Oh really?!!!

I just hate this!!! Lol ;-)
Attachment 285960
That's the picture I have in my mind every time I bump into people that could be a clear representation of the Aztec or Mayan civilization in a history book and they refuse to speak Spanish. Personally I found Spanish to be a beautiful and rich language that I feel so blessed and proud to speak. Just saying ;-)
bored@home's Avatar
You don't have to defend it, I get it and thought it was funny...
granted I am mixed (blanco bolio) with less than shit Spanish comprehension and hick enunciation.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-02-2014, 09:37 PM
This is the most ignorant shit I've read on boards in a LOOONG time.

Have you ever been to Mayaland? -_-

This is when I back out slowly from this thread before I start throwing books at y'all.

TexasCowboy's Avatar
Ze....The subject is very defendable...Individuals are very proud of their heritage.....Hispanic women are beautiful.......You seem to be the one from the bitchy side and it the subject matter does not interest you then do not let the door hit you on the way out, looks like you need to take care of the self-confidence.....

Bella.....You are a very beautiful woman....

I just thought it was funny. I guess is a Mexican culture thing that not everybody gets.

And yes Ze I have been to Yucatan, Quintana Roo. The place you refer as Mayaland.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-02-2014, 10:57 PM
Ze....The subject is very defendable...Individuals are very proud of their heritage.....Hispanic women are beautiful.......You seem to be the one from the bitchy side and it the subject matter does not interest you then do not let the door hit you on the way out, looks like you need to take care of the self-confidence.....

Bella.....You are a very beautiful woman....

TexasCowboy Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
Adorable, but you read me completely wrong. Smooches.
bojulay's Avatar

Latino/as HATE Latino/as que son unos come mierdas. We hate Latinos who are ashamed of who they are to the extent that they negate their roots. If you deny where you come from, you're denying who you are. And if you can't be real to yourself, then you cannot be real to anyone. You almost wanna slap them silly when they say, "Oh my Gosh, my parents are like Hispanic, but, I was like born in the USA," Yes, but that doesn't change your background sister, with that plantain stain on your face, who the hell are you trying to fool?

What I find so beautiful about Latino/as is the fact that most people can't tell where we're from due to our exotic looks. So why not remove all doubt and clarify you are a smoking hot-successful Latino/a. Our culture is FIRE!
I didn't even know this type of thing actually happens. Sorry to see it.
Super Sonic's Avatar
Now, now, Bella. You are one super sexy Chica, but don't hate on the Coconuts. They are just a juicy sweet!