Michael Kors TV commercial

Can anyone supply me with the name and any 411 on the high fashion model on the commercial where the model lands via helicopter for a photo shoot?
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
dude...learn to use google (or your fave search engine...i am trying to get away from google). i have never seen of heard of this commercial before, nor have i ever heard of michael kors. but it took me 20 seconds to google 'michael kors' and 10 seconds later i knew the girl's name is karmen pedaru.

truth is...using search engines effectively can be tricky...but worth the effort to get good at it.
Juan Pablo,

I did do a Goggle search and saw both threads but didn't locate her name, and thank you for furnishing her name. She is one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen, and I have seen many.