And I Wish I Had an Unlimited Hobby Budget

FS_ITC's Avatar
Too, you motherfuckers. There I said it and feel so much better. Asshole rich fucks. Between you and the fucking hot chick who whine about all they don't have, I just want to start a rampage.

Thank you for receiving this rant, and I hope you fucking choke on the next K you make/shell out.
illuminati's Avatar
Poor people stand up and fight the 1% ers!
sue_nami's Avatar
Dare i say the word? BERNIE!
DaddyMatt's Avatar
I'm a Daddy but not totally into ageplay
Too, you motherfuckers. There I said it and feel so much better. Asshole rich fucks. Between you and the fucking hot chick who whine about all they don't have, I just want to start a rampage.

Thank you for receiving this rant, and I hope you fucking choke on the next K you make/shell out. Originally Posted by FS_ITC
You need to get laid for a couple of hours by a high priced and sophisticated escort.....It'll do wonders for you disposition! In all seriousness, I saved up for like three months for the doubles I had yesterday.....truly.

Well sadly we can't all drive BMWs, some of us have to save up for that provider we want to see, others can pick and choose a provider as if they where getting ice cream from Basken Robins. It's just the way the world works.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Well sadly we can't all drive BMWs, some of us have to save up for that provider we want to see, others can pick and choose a provider as if they where getting ice cream from Basken Robins. It's just the way the world works. Originally Posted by Monolyth

And if it did not work this way it would be a "Made Max" world!

Just think of each experience as a gift and enjoy it "be in the moment"

Who knows you may win the lottery

black sunshine's Avatar
I'm a Daddy but not totally into ageplay Originally Posted by DaddyMatt
Wrong thread?
fun2come's Avatar
My dick couldn't take it if I had more Hobby funds .....
Mr Peabody's Avatar
I say we just throw all those 1% fuckers and their money out of this country........

Oh, wait no I didn't really mean it....

Please come back, I don't like this 3rd world country that you left behind
ck1942's Avatar
"If wishes were horses..." etc....

If we all were able to drive Beemers and did the world would be a sad place.

Awarding a one star rating with an asterisk.
Unless you're willing to do what it takes to earn it, Resort yourself to a life of trickle-down hobby sex ...
DaddyMatt's Avatar
Wrong thread? Originally Posted by black sunshine
Yep clicked ageplay thread but guess it did this one instead lol
I say we just throw all those 1% fuckers and their money out of this country........

Oh, wait no I didn't really mean it....

Please come back, I don't like this 3rd world country that you left behind Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
+1. Without them 80% of the taxes would disappear! what would we do then????
Still Looking's Avatar
You need to get laid for a couple of hours by a high priced and sophisticated escort.....It'll do wonders for you disposition! In all seriousness, I saved up for like three months for the doubles I had yesterday.....truly.

-Nilla Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX