Why don't some providers serve AA hobyists ???

Hey, Ladies and Gents.
I'm not from around here but been here for a while and i
have noticed this several times.
Beautiful Ladies n Gentlemen, what's ur take on this ???
Honest answers, please!
For unmanaged, it's a matter of preference. For managed, their AA pimp doesn't want other "thugs" treading on their territory (you know, since we are all gangsters and thugs). The key is to not let it bother you, for every NBA there are many fine young ladies who are willing to cater to us pigmentationally well endowed gentlemen, lol!
kerwil62's Avatar
Refer to this thread

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=315600 Originally Posted by kerwil62

+ Two INFINITY and beyond
I don't know about other providers/hobbyists, but to me, this racism/racists shit is getting really old, really fast! I just want to fucking have a good time! This is a party board for god sakes!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hey, Ladies and Gents.
I'm not from around here but been here for a while and i
have noticed this several times.
Beautiful Ladies n Gentlemen, what's ur take on this ???
Honest answers, please!
Thanks Originally Posted by SimplyA
It is a choice, not always actually enforced, and mainly drawing from pimp instructions, as far as I can tell. I think each situation is different.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Why ask why? there are plenty of quality providers that do see AA men
pyramider's Avatar
Another one???

Holy Tebow ... Doesn't anyone read the forums? Why don't newbies read and use the Search tab?
lily blake's Avatar
Lol I remember a white guy asked me this before he could book with me?? Lol I'm still confused as to what kind of sense that makes for me to be black, African at that and not see my own.
I don't have a NBA policy. But I can understand why some wouldn't allow it. My first experience with a AA turned out awful. He turned out to be a pimp trying to recruit me. And he wouldn't leave when I asked him to....it was pretty scary. So I did refrain from see AA for quite some time after that.

But now that I am able to screen...it's a lot easier.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
That should read "To infinity and beyond" If trying to number these asinine NBA threads it would be ad infinitum.

Yeah, it's either all out racism or freedom of choice. I forget which one it is..........well if it's a black lady not seeing black men, it's freedom of choice. If it's a while lady not seeing black men, it's full on voodoo racism. That's the way uh huh, I like it! I think that's the way it's interpreted (wrongly) on this board.

Play ball.......................... ........
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Cause black dudes blow the pussy up. Then white dudes complain about loose pussy. But it's really their little dicks. And then it turns into a huge mess.

Any other questions?
pyramider's Avatar
Why did you go there 3pecker? Now the fucktard that wants a tee tiny tight pussy is going to post again.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Well I probably shouldn't have. I was trying to be a smart ass, but didn't stop to think that some fucktards might actually believe my nonsense.

The pussy will not be damaged! Repeat, The pussy will not be damaged! It snaps right back and us little boys can still enjoy it. It stays as good as it ever was.