Set the record straight....

Usually I stay out of any drama or confrontation but I really feel I need to set some things straight.
Today I received a negative review and I don't believe that even a bad review is a "good" review. I really do like my clients to leave happy and satisfied. That being said I do know that's not always possible. That's where this negative review comes in.
I of course cannot see the ROS to see specifically what he said but I was somewhat anticipating this because of how things ended. But due to the inaccurate information he gave in the pay section. He only paid $100 for my review special, not $130. I suspect he wasn't honest in the ROS. Especially since the reason he left "unsatisfied" was totally his doing.
So here's my side of the story and what happened in our session...

I was seeing this gentleman for the first time. Fbsm L1 for my review special of $100/hr. Session is going well. Hes asking about my edging skills that he read about in old reviews and says he definitely wants that. Says he has alot of control (hints his handle). So I make sure to give plenty of time for the hj finish. He showed up almost 10 mins late I need to add.
I start the hj. Everytime he starts to get close he starts talking, it's kind of funny at first. 15 mins into this hj he asks if I want to play a game. If I want to try to make him cum and he not. I say no. We're already 15 mins into a hj and getting close to the end of our session. Well this gentleman plays the game anyway!! 25 mins later I'm still giving him a hj because he hasn't cum. After 30 mins and 10 mins over on appt, I have to tell him we're out of time. He left with an attitude. I've never had a gentleman leave without "finishing". And if you do the math he received a 40 min massage and a 30 min hj all for $100.
Here's a link to the ad I had for my review special I was running.

Ok, I've said my peace and now I'm moving on. Thanks for reading
moonshiner's Avatar
The review is an interesting read, got to tell you though, I would have never read it.
You just shined a very bright light on your NO review.
decoyoctopus88's Avatar
30 minute hand job? Your arm must have fallen off.
Lol Decoyoctopuss! Actually it was my was red and amount of oil was helping lol.
TehRyc's Avatar
Why not talk with him about it? There is the possibility that both of your stories match up except for very slight variances. There might be a way to use this as a way to better your services.
I always do that Priv. I pm'd him....received no response. Like I said I tend to stay off these types of threads. You can check for yourself.
Sorry, might have been a misunderstanding?
Stewie griffen's Avatar
I would say that maybe you should just chalk it up to lack of chemistry. Not everyone is going to click. Could be expectations on either of your part.
I understand that you dont want a no on your reviews, and actually commend you for your concern. Butyou cant please everyone all the time.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hopefully the link works. I am going through something similar and the biggest advise I have gotten is that hobbyist will believe the overall reviews and not just one guy's upset. Also if you have any proof then you should ask yourself if you want to talk with mods and amid. Some hobbyist might think that you're a clock watcher. Either way I appreciate the support I have gotten from other hobbyist and hopefully they will support you too.
Half hour hand job?

Jjones, he received a 40 minute massage prior to the 30 min hj. So total he received an hr an 10 min session. With the showing up late and the session running over then clean up everything ran about an hr and a half. I'm not a clock watcher but 30 mins over is alot.
I totally agree with you tho Pheonix.
That's exactly what my arms look like!!
yes, i didn't read it right. my bad.

But like Phoenix said, if you normally provide good service, this one review shouldn't hurt you. Just have to keep doing what you normally do...
endurance's Avatar
I got a PM from courtneysback2015 at 11:28am, sorry I couldn't be on every minute of the day, I had some stuff I had to do!

I gave 130, she admitted that in the PM - I thought that was the special, so my bad, it wasn't a 100 + tip

She is claiming an hour and a half and that I couldn't have been unhappy and also above claims that I left with an attitude (I didn't say a single thing actually let alone do a John McEnroe lol.) All false. But my word against hers I guess.

Sometimes I try to keep the session playful - I never had such a negative reaction to it. She said she did edging anyway. Oh well, she's officially gone over from oopsie, bad day to cranky liar - and she is doing her best to have me blacklisted with the ladies. Such is the risk with a negative review I guess...

Little Monster's Avatar