you dont have to "Go Advanced" to do any of the edits listed above. you can do it in the little text box after you click/tap "Edit."If the 60 min window closes you can RTM and request to make change if you made a mistake.
but the "Go Advanced" mode gives you a larger text box and a slew of more editing options, including adding smilies.
when you edit the review, in addition to changing your answer to the Recommendation field, you can also re-order or remove the fields added from the review form, change any of the pre-defined values to your own, essentially edit to your cock's cumtent.
sometimes i change "Causcasian" to "cockasian" if the provider is, in my hobby evaluation, a top-tier cock workshipper.
you can also add additional text before and/or after the ROS.
you can even put your entire review in public instead of in ROS.
but once you post it and the 60min editing window closes, it's there until eccie dies.
when you post anywhere else, you still have a 60min editing window to revise your post (which i've done three times on this post).
if you want, you can even add a "Reason for Editing". i rarely do. Originally Posted by pmdelites