Ghosted by Vivian

I haven't seen Vivian Gates in a few months since she dropped off the scene again but I still had her number saved. Out of the blue the other day she messaged me and asked how I was. We chatted a bit and set up a visit after my dentist appointment and after she was finished getting her oil changed.
She messaged and asked for the donation to pay for her oil change, I had no issues with this having dealt with Vivian over the past 6 or 7 years. After my appointment I messaged her and she says she is getting her headlight replaced now. So an hour later I messaged again and ask what the time-line looked like and no response. Another hour goes by and I messaged her again and more crickets.
The next day I messaged and still never got a response as to why she didn't show. I like Vivian, I think she's a cool chick. She is the last person I would have thought would have done this. I'm going give her the benefit of the doubt and maybe something came up, but it would be nice if she would make this right.
I think you got set up….i don’t care how long I’ve known a provider I will not send money without meeting, all it takes is for some shitbag to steal their phone and then run through and beg for money from the contacts

WTF goes to get an oil change when they don’t have money for it? It’s not like running out of gas beside the highway.
If this wasn't Vivian, the person sure had good details and the right cashapp tag info. If I got scammed by someone other than her, this is person was good.