Austin Happy Hour: Location Poll

A few of us have decided to schedule a Happy Hour for the Austin crowd.

Out of these location suggestions, which one do you prefer?
Whispers's Avatar
One of the first concerns of scheduling these things is that you very seldom want to openly discuss the location in a publicly viewable forum.

You never know who will show up and you set a precedent for others to discuss it openly.

When these places hear that a group of members of a SHMB are discussing meeting there you may run into a little resistance.

Good Luck though
I see no problem with polling board members for their preferences regarding locations, times and days, and then conducting the invitation process privately. There's no better place to discuss options than right in the Austin forum.

I personally know either the owner(s) or manager(s) at each of the places I listed, and can guarantee you that there will be no problem with our presence. Aside from that, I am trusting that no one invited will reveal our identity, but even if they do, the Austin service industry is no stranger to our hobby.
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
Opal Devine's and Z Tejas both have multiple locations in Austin. Might want to say "Downtown" or something. I still think Gingerman would be a good location also.
Whispers's Avatar
I see no problem with polling board members for their preferences regarding locations, times and days, and then conducting the invitation process privately. There's no better place to discuss options than right in the Austin forum.

I personally know either the owner(s) or manager(s) at each of the places I listed, and can guarantee you that there will be no problem with our presence. Aside from that, I am trusting that no one invited will reveal our identity, but even if they do, the Austin service industry is no stranger to our hobby. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign

I'm not trying to be negative or even suggest you not try to do something......

I don't question that Managers and Owners can be open to the idea of something like this. I have a number of years experience in owning or operating similar establishments.

But the moment someone planning their Girl Scout Cookie Kick Off party google's "Social gathering at Opal Divines" and finds a link back to ECCIE your personal relationship with Owners and Managers will take a backseat to the issues it raises.

Discuss "TYPES" of establishments.... "GENERAL" areas..... Times of day and days of the week....

But you are asking for trouble the way you are going about it.

Then again....... What do I know about Socials or Parties"... I've only planned or coordinated a few dozen over the years in a couple of states....

I'm sure you know exactly what you are doing.....
Seriously, Whispers?

Leave it to you to jump in on a positive idea, where board members are actually cooperating to socialize in a constructive manner, and criticize the people involved.

Despite what you might think, there is more than one way to organize a gathering, and surprisingly, you aren't the only one in the world who has done this sort of thing.

With as many highly publicized events, reviews and newsworthy mentions each of these restaurants has, do you actually think a single poll/post on a message board will make it to the front page of Google and destroy a business's reputation because some overzealous Christian soccer mom threw a fit about the fact that escorts and hobbyists might actually go to the same restaurants she takes her family to? Talk about Chicken Little syndrome.

What is the exact problem here? You can't possibly feel that an Austin Happy Hour that isn't organized by you would threaten the popularity of your GC Luncheons, especially since they cater to such different audiences... so why the attitude?

I've been nothing but nice to you, and though I've watched you degrade other providers, make unfounded assertions about the ladies here and the way they run their business, and hammer any other member who dares to disagrees with you, I've chosen to refrain from personal attacks and let things play out as they may. Your insinuation that the way I'm polling members about their preferences will result in the Happy Hours being an overall failure is just silly.

The fact that you can convey your opinion in such a condescending way, on such a consistent basis, is baffling to me. Do you have a Daddy complex? Are you attempting to play out some "I should have been a teacher" dream in some odd way in the hobby? I can promise you, the ladies here are not nearly as stupid as you wish they were. It's obvious you enjoy belittling providers, but doesn't the holier-than-thou attitude get exhausting?

With as knowledgeable as you claim to be about all things related to adult entertainment, I'm surprised you don't run your own message board, agency or strip club by now.

It's quite clear that you prefer to spend your time in strip clubs, where you can take advantage of the girls there who will charge you $100 for an hour simply because they don't know any better, and you can take pride in "introducing" them to the hobby world (if you actually believe that), grooming them, and teaching them everything you think they don't know, thereby secure your place as a generous, wise mentor in their eyes. Your affinity for strip club ladies and their lower "donations" is your business, but the ladies here would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from trying to drag all of our donations, intelligence and reputations down to the level you're accustomed to. For God's sake, you even hold your get-togethers at strip clubs despite the obvious level of competition you create between the dancers and providers by doing so. The two worlds are similar, but they're not the same. Stop trying to merge them.

You're right; I don't know everything. But for the record, neither do you. The difference between us is that I will never go out of my way to make life miserable for those around me, and will always do my best to assist others in a polite, generous manner without being condescending or rude. And that, my friend, means so much more than anything you could ever "teach" me.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 09-27-2010, 02:03 PM
My first karate sensei, in an effort to instill humility, argued that knowledge is infinite and what I personally knew was finite, so the ratio was zero.

The humility thing didn't work, but the argument stuck. I'm not certain that the first amount is infinite, but it's certainly big enough that the ratio at least approximates zero.
i agree with whispers you can never be too carefull. you do not want another houston. I also agree that we need more socials than the ever other month put on now. once a month would be great.
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
You do not want another houston. Originally Posted by pd1995
Hummm, I must have missed the item about Houston? Can you point me in the right direction?
le came to the aspd social in houston. conducted a sting andmade several arrest from what i was told. it was talked about on aspd for months
That is true, pd. But if you recall, LE had infiltrated ASPD on both the hobbyist and provider sides nearly 4 months in advance of the Christmas party. Even with their extensive knowledge of the site and its members, the police had to obtain enough evidence at the party to arrest members and charged them with prostitution-related offenses. In addition to that, if you've seen the news coverage, the ladies at that social weren't exactly dressed in a discrete manner.

Being an escort is not illegal. Procuring an escort's services is not illegal. And gathering in a public place, in a professional and discrete manner, for the purpose of socialization only, is not illegal.

With all that said, I'm well aware that the Happy Hour or social information should not be posted in a public forum, and I can guarantee you that I have no intentions to do so. I'm merely gathering information to get an idea of what the members here prefer as far as venues, days and times. There is no steadfast rule that says we will select a venue on this list, or even confirmation that we will have a Happy Hour at all. This is simply the most efficient way to gather information on this particular board.

Now, if we do have a Happy Hour or social, and members behave as they should, then there should be no problems.
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
Found it -->>

I wonder what charges they would have to go in and arrest people? After finding this additional information, I think I would feel a little better having this PM'ed to the people that are actually invited. Wow, I just don't know.

A small get together total destroyed. Wow, that really makes me think. There again, this is getting of the subject of this thread and probably needs to have its own thread.
yes natalie as long as people follow the rules. maybe i will see you at the next happy hour.
RoundRock, I wouldn't worry. The police at that social actually heard negotiations taking place for sessions and specific activities, and/or had members or providers solicit them directly.

The original plan has been to create an email list and verify each member by handle and posts, etc., and that plan has not changed. Right now, I'm just in the initial information gathering stage. No specific information about date, time & location, etc. about a specific Happy Hour or any other board-related event will be posted publicly by me, ever.

And yes, pd... as long as people follow the rules. Is it naive of me to think that's a possibility given that we're all adults?
  • Vyt
  • 09-27-2010, 05:36 PM
Well, it's kind of important for me, because one of those choices on the list (which historically has also been popular for meetups organized by others) also happens to be where I spend a lot of time with co-workers. I'd kind of like not to mix and match those there and have to explain where I met this very attractive young lady who isn't my wife to the gossip who works down the hall.

(Also, whether or not we're all adults is a topic I think still very much up for debate.)