Fucken Asshole

Little Monster's Avatar

staff edit ynot
Moral of the story... Don't fuck with the Monster.
RICKDOG8's Avatar
I wonder what put him in such a good mood.
AtxAngela's Avatar
Wonder who that's directed towards?
Mr Monster,
Whatever happened, at least you're not bitter about it.
Damn. That's harsh.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Rumor has it that she left the Green polish on her toenails AND failed to rub the pumice stone WITH the grain while exfoliating.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-16-2017, 09:31 AM
I always wonder why someone posts that kind of stuff.

It doesn't give a clue about what happened, who did it, or why.

And it makes the OP look like a raving psycho--which may be the desired outcome in some cases.
i love how easy it is to add people to a no-see list based off of these outbursts hahah
AtxAngela's Avatar
Judging from the words in post,it sounds like a female did something to make him mad
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 08-16-2017, 02:34 PM
Judging from the words in post,it sounds like a female did something to make him mad Originally Posted by AtxAngela
I would say so as well for him to threaten murder and dismemberment.
Little Monster's Avatar
*face in the palm*

I swear to the gods you fucken people!! Are gullible, over sensitive, and fucken stupid all at the same time. Now those who know me on here (and there are quite a few who do) already knew better than to take this post serious.
Who was my post directed at?? NO ONE you dipshits!!!
I posted this shit because it has been a while since I've spent any kind of time on here and I get on here and quite frankly this fucken place is BORING as fuck now. So I at least tried to break the goddamn monotony of what is now a very dull forum.
But as long as we have over sensitive & worthless individuals who contribute nothing more than hitting an rtm button I can see it will remain this way.

Now did anyone even bother to hit the play button on the music I provided BEFORE reading the post, because the background WAS a big part of the satire you know??

Here I don't give a flying fuck if I do get into trouble I will repost the JOKE again, this time make sure to play the music while reading the passage. ENJOY!!

You stupid fucking bitch, do you have any idea who the fuck you are fucking with!!!!!! I will fucken goddamn stab you and then fuck the wound with my bare dick you fucken cunt!! Don't you EVER pull some shit like that again motherfucker I mean it. I still cannot believe you fucken did that shit!! Right now I just wanna slice your pathetic head off and shit right on top of your fucken goddamn neck. Don't you ever fucken call me again, if you ever come around here again I am gonna strangle the fuck out of you with some goddamn speaker wire and then rape the piss out of your corpse till your eye sockets rot the fuck out. I sign off by wishing you nothing but a slow painful death in the middle of a deserted dessert you fucken DUMB STUPID BITCH!!
Little Monster's Avatar
i love how easy it is to add people to a no-see list based off of these outbursts hahah Originally Posted by Dakota Superfreak
GOOD! put me on your damn "no-see" list, tell me what good is that gonna do?? How many times have I tried to see you??? how many times have I ever even pm'd you??? That's right ZERO!!!! Zilch, NEVER! The only reason I might have ever even considered seeing you is because you are Bareback friendly. But after seeing you in person, and not being very impressed by your looks, and then hearing your FAKE English accent, hell fucken no!!

Good day to you Darlin
Little Monster's Avatar
I always wonder why someone posts that kind of stuff.

It doesn't give a clue about what happened, who did it, or why.

And it makes the OP look like a raving psycho--which may be the desired outcome in some cases.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Wow, now I feel honored that Mr. Wonderful has taken the time to make an appearance on my thread
Little Monster's Avatar
Judging from the words in post,it sounds like a female did something to make him mad Originally Posted by AtxAngela
No, nothing like that at all sweetie. It's the result of drinking way too many Redbulls. Having seen you in person and seeing how beautiful you are, I have nothing bad to say to you.