Touring ladies - short notice?

Satyrrical's Avatar
So my current favorite seems to pop into town about once a week. I am managing to see her about once a month. I would be able and willing to see her more often if at least a days notice was given, but more often than not, I check the boards and all I see is, "Here now!" And she is gone the next day. Is this seen as some defense from LE? Or is there some other purpose?

Yes, I have asked her to let me know when she is coming, but it hasn't happened. Guessing she is not nearly as taken with me as I am with her. Go figure.
Not sure if this is the case for you but some traveling ladies arn't 100% sure on where there going to be till they get there. I'm sure many have cancelled last min. tours for what ever reason. If you get in good with her, I'm sure she would put you on her short list.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I dont understand it either. I generally book ahead as do many guys so if gals just pop into town last minute, I can never see them. I can understand it happening on occasion if the impulse hits them to visit but many seem to do this on a regular basis with the only notice being an ad saying "I am here now and gone in a day or two".
So many fellas book last minute though. It's hard to get several future bookings all around the same dates.

Sometimes it's easier to get one or two advanced bookings, and then get several when you're in town.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Here's what the ladies should do. Post an ad a week to 10 days out from visiting/touring a specific area. They should mention the importance of pre-booking-- maybe throw in a $25 discount for those that pre-book. Additionally, they should also post a very clear disclaimer that if not enough guys pre-book, she could cancel at the last minute for lack of interest. And yes, I do think that those who book last minute should pay a higher amount than pre-bookers. Why? Because the pre-bookers may be in fact the ones who get the gal to come to that town. Without the pre-bookers, the last minutes guys would have nobody to last minute schedule with.
So my current favorite seems to pop into town about once a week. I am managing to see her about once a month. I would be able and willing to see her more often if at least a days notice was given, but more often than not, I check the boards and all I see is, "Here now!" And she is gone the next day. Is this seen as some defense from LE? Or is there some other purpose?

Yes, I have asked her to let me know when she is coming, but it hasn't happened. Guessing she is not nearly as taken with me as I am with her. Go figure. Originally Posted by Satyrrical

I don't think it's LE. Sometimes some working girls who tour aren't always sure how business might be and might get enough prebookings so they take a chance and show up at the last minute. And strangely I did that once and I received a huge volume of calls and clients. But I wasn't gone the next day, because of the voluminous number of requests I ended up...if you can believe this, staying three WEEKS to accomodate everyone because I am a low volume provider.

You don't know that she isn't as taken with you as you are with her...I wouldn't take it personally although I understand how you feel. Be the first in line haha to call her and say " I'm here RIGHT NOW!" LOL
When I toured I always made contact with people and if need would adjust to fit their shedules...BUT I also maintained email contact in between visits so it wasn't like I only contacted them because I was coming to town....just part of how I added a personal touch...and even now keep in touch...
ForumPoster's Avatar
So my current favorite seems to pop into town about once a week. I am managing to see her about once a month. I would be able and willing to see her more often if at least a days notice was given, but more often than not, I check the boards and all I see is, "Here now!" And she is gone the next day. Is this seen as some defense from LE? Or is there some other purpose?

Yes, I have asked her to let me know when she is coming, but it hasn't happened. Guessing she is not nearly as taken with me as I am with her. Go figure. Originally Posted by Satyrrical

Some girls travel whenever and wherever last moment, others plan months ahead.

I usually start posting about my trips at the very least 3 - 4 weeks prior to my arrival and prebookings are essential. Usually whoever patronized me in the past gets first dibs on my schedule

I try to post about a tour at least two weeks in advance. It takes a lot of planning and schedule coordination for me to travel anywhere, and when I do I want it to be worth it! I used to offer prebooking discounts, but it didn't make much of a difference. If guys in a city wanted to book me, they did so as soon as they saw my ad. On my most recent trip to Dallas I had three guys contact me at the LAST minute that I simply did not get to see. Can't screen in such a small window of time!
I enjoy the company of the gentlemen I keep, but still very unsure of their schedules during the times I am coming to their area. Rather than text or bombard them with emails, I have a mailing list I send out weekly to inform my fav gentlemen about my upcoming trips, new pics, new duo partners & such. I found this to be more effective because it helps them plan their schedule around mine to make everything line up right. As for the duration of the stay, for every lady I am sure it depends on the appointments booked for the area. Show her the proper attention and I am sure she will stay as long as you want her.
So my current favorite seems to pop into town about once a week. I am managing to see her about once a month. I would be able and willing to see her more often if at least a days notice was given, but more often than not, I check the boards and all I see is, "Here now!" And she is gone the next day. Is this seen as some defense from LE? Or is there some other purpose?

Yes, I have asked her to let me know when she is coming, but it hasn't happened. Guessing she is not nearly as taken with me as I am with her. Go figure. Originally Posted by Satyrrical
I LOVE to travel yet at the time I can only do so with pre bookings and plan ahead my incall,flights etc. I have 4 months a year I can move around between work and classes so I get excited to come do trips.I usually do what a few said,let people you have met or screened that you are coming,next decide which posts and ad ares you want to post and then take all pre books I can and the last minutes I announce are the ones that have p411 and I can get a fast reply back in screen or reply quickly to them,Also I pre screen the P411 gents that are inquiring and when arrival dates come if I get cancels I can let them know I do have some times available.I have had some very successful trips and 1 that was just so back and forth with the gents not knowing and trying to pre book,then cancel then message after 10 or 11pm at night with no previous communications and It is rough to screen that late due to waiting for a refrence reply back to me.

Alot of pros and cons...GOOD thread!
DallasRain's Avatar
I try to place ads about 2 weeks out....and I will also mail my regulars and give them a heads up that I am coming.
tia travels's Avatar
I'd bet some do post last minute for LE reasons. But some probably post last minute because maybe someone requested they visit and so they decide to come for that person, but post an ad to see if they can garner any other business too. Some ladies post last minute probably because they don't have the kind of schedule which allows them to make advance plans. Maybe they have a family and need to work out who's going to take the kids, etc.

I post my schedule several months in advance on my web site. I used to do it just a month at a time, but found this is much easier for me this way. I start advertising that schedule about a month out.