Gag order against trumpf requested

winn dixie's Avatar
Jack Smith has asked Judge Chutkun for a limited gag order against Trump. His request was eloquent, accurate and terse. No response from Trump's lawyers (yet) but Trump beat them to it with a rant repeating lies, outrage, and insulting all involved. He belongs in a strait jacket.

Stoopid is predictable. trumpf is stoopid

With or without gag order

trumpf will seal his own doom.

He'll do all the work.
5 4 3 2,1,trumpy blasted off on his own site to nobody but magas

I didn't hear no tree fall
winn dixie's Avatar
The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect witness intimidation, jury tampering, or threats to the presiding judge or the prosecution The narrowly tailored gag order that Special Counsel Smith has requested is well within the U.S. Constitution’s limits. About time!
winn dixie's Avatar

Ttrumpf is having a word fit on his bankrupt social platform.

More evidence for the gag order! Lolling
He’s an idiot. And his followers are the same. What’s the point of throwing insults at the people prosecuting him and the judge, aside from hoping some nutbag trues to hurt them.

He can claim his innocence all day without trying to incite dummies to get thrown in jail because they’ll stupidly triple and quadruple down on his threats with action.

Unless that’s what he’s trying to do. Hmmmmm. Guess he knows his crowd. OEB was right about only one thing “Trump supporters are dumb AF”.
Wow,5,000 posts on Eccie since 2013, and he's calling Trump voters stupid??? Get a life!!!
Call em like I see em
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-16-2023, 09:10 AM
I want to believe that the shrinking millions of Trump supporters have some cogent reasoning for their fidelity. What mostly seems to be the case is they are fearful, ignorant, racist or entitled.
ICU 812's Avatar
If I were Mr. Trump, I would do several things.

One would be to keep quiet (he probably can't without hypnosis)

Another thing would be to speak through someon else via Twitter-X and other social media.

I recall the OJ Simpson trial: The judge was kind of a clown and Jay Leno ws mocking him brutally every night. The Judge, Judge Ito, did some legal ting that put Leno in jepordy of jail time if he continued. Ans so every night on The Tonight Show, Leno would bring on some other prominent stand up comic to deliver that night's savage mockery of Judge Ito.

If it were me, I wold do something like that.
Trumpy fought the law and the really fucking with his shit

The final breakdown soon
Precious_b's Avatar
Trumpy fought the law and the really fucking with his shit

The final breakdown soon Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Trumpy fought the law and the really fucking with his shit

The final breakdown soon Originally Posted by Tsmokies


#### Salty