bill clinton's legendary bimbo eruption!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Bill Clinton was once caught trying to sneak out of the White House - apparently to visit a mistress - by hiding under a raincoat in the back of his personal lawyer's car.

The former president was stopped by a Secret Service officer at the gate who inspected lawyer Bruce Lindsey's vehicle and was shocked to see Clinton inside.

Lindsey pleaded to be allowed to pass but the uniformed officer held firm and radioed for backup. The officer said: 'You better get me some help here.

'I just caught Bruce Lindsey trying to drive out with the President with a raincoat over his head'.


good try lindsey!!!!!
bamscram's Avatar
Must have been a slow news day.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In about six months you'll be calling this the good ole days. You know, before the indictments and humiliation for the democrat party.
bamscram's Avatar

They could have had this on a slow news day barley.