Actually a lot of people are saying Don “fuck face” Jr back doors Eric. Originally Posted by StandinStraightActually, a lot of people are saying Shit-stained Chapped-ass back-doors you, Standing Stupid. It's a faggoty, lib-retard thing you dim-retards are known to regularly support and engage in, Standing Stupid.
North Korea is still trying to get a working missile with a nuke on top, Obama/Hillary people inside the FBI are trying to overthrow this government, the left is eating itself and the same time exposing it's fascist tendencies and this is the shit that Stand in Shit is writing about. I'll never know why you're not walking away with the Dipshit of the Year award. Assup, like Hillary is old news. Originally Posted by the_real_BarleycornSS got in too late for the nomination to be included in the poll.