When the NON Verified Provider makes use of threADS shouldn't Guideline #29 come into play?

Whispers's Avatar
#29 - Verified Providers who use the Showcase feature or advertise in our forums are not entitled to a no-review policy. Should circumstances arise which require or prompt you to request a no-review policy on ECCIE, please understand that enforcement of this policy also results in revoking of your showcase or ad-posting privileges. Ladies who have chosen a no-review policy on ECCIE may still post and create threads in any of the non-advertising forums on the board and will still have access to the girls-only areas of the board.

I am not a fan of "No-Review" Policies at all. If I spend my money I have a right to discuss the service rendered. I have not run afoul of this policy nor did I plan on it but as I read through different forums I've noticed a small trend for Ladies to not seek out Verified Provider Status.

I am trying to lend a gentler eye towards issues the ladies face.

It seems rather unfair to the process that these ladies can post threADs and still maintain their policy for no reviews.

Along the same thoughts in regards to providers that have not sought out Verification, should Reviews be linked to their name? See LimitlessLace

Outside of the Showcase they seem to be able to use the board to further business with less repercussions that Verified Providers.

Hardly seems fair.

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