Misleading Showcases.... False Advertisement


Ok so I sent my husband to see a provider Sunday, and we both check her showcase together and she seemed ok. He said when he got there she was at least 3 times the size!!! He was so nervous and didn't know what to do he just continued coming back saying I set him with a bbw on purpose... Haha as funny as that would it wasn't the case. Fellow providers UPDATE your pix please!!; I am always giving a pic of myself at least in that same week. So disappointing and misleading. Not cool. Guys does this happen often????
Updating is awesome !! I actually hold pictures of the date in my hand on a piece of paper & snap a selfie !!
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
He's nicer than I am, I would have walked right back out and jumped on here to let everyone know of the false advertisement.
Completely unprofessional
ben dover's Avatar
So was it the same girl but 50 pounds heavier or just ripped off images? Either way it BS for sure... BD
I agree completely unprofessional.. And no like 100lbs heavier than she was in her pic. I mean come on.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

Ok so I sent my husband to see .... Sunday, and we both check .... showcase together and .... seemed ok. He said when he got there .... was at least 3 times the size!!! He was so nervous and didn't know what to do he just continued ... Originally Posted by charissfaith81

For this reader, without a name it didn't really happen. Cool story tho.
toutiorix's Avatar
I think it's pretty cool you did that for your husband. Is he cool with you being a provider?
Yes he is.... I just started in May and wont be doing this much longer. He has a serious foot fetish so I am glad to give him this chance to enjoyment as I am enjoying providing at this time.