CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-24-2014, 01:38 PM
Because who really cares about ice water being dumped on someone's head. I will be starting CDs cumbucket challenge to raise awareness for all those broads that spit worldwide. Proceeds go to the StopSpittinSpluge Foundation.

Sponsored by Listerine and men everywhere.
pyramider's Avatar
Are there going to be frozen bananas and cans of biscuits?
Grace Preston's Avatar
I suppose those of us who spend a lot of volunteer hours with the ALS foundation care very much about an ice bucket challenge.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-24-2014, 06:43 PM
I suppose those of us who spend a lot of volunteer hours with the ALS foundation care very much about an ice bucket challenge. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Maybe you should be more concerned that it takes something like a stupid ice challenge to get people in this day and age to pay attention to real issues and struggles people with chronic illnesses endure daily in this world, instead of stupid celebrities...oh....wait...
wow...maybe is should be viewed as a vehicle of opportunity for a bunch of California nuts that mindless idiots look up to take advantage of a corporate offer to contribute worthy is the cause in the long run no matter the vehicle...right?...have you seen Charlie Sheens? Look it up.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-24-2014, 06:56 PM
The cause? Okay.
CD3's Avatar
  • CD3
  • 08-24-2014, 06:59 PM
Hey. Don't knock my cause then. Shit. Some are so sensitive. Listen. Pour a bucket of lambs blood on a Jew for all I care. All I'm saying is to stop those who spit. I really am not trying to shut down an ice bucket challenge. I cld give a fuck if they do it or not. But to do it cuz someone "called you out" is not a cause
FYI..this was meant as a joke by a hot girl with a great sense of humor...I for one do appreciate her humor...its about a bucket of cum being wasted....get it?? Swallow...come on that's hot!
Shep3.0's Avatar
Lmao. Agreed, not sure what ice on a celebrity's head really does. They need $$$$$$ for research to find a cure.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I would love to see the ice bucket challange here but how could we make it work, i for one am going to get done to me after work monday
WalkerTx's Avatar
Hey. Don't knock my cause then. Shit. Some are so sensitive. Listen. Pour a bucket of lambs blood on a Jew for all I care. All I'm saying is to stop those who spit. I really am not trying to shut down an ice bucket challenge. I cld give a fuck if they do it or not. But to do it cuz someone "called you out" is not a cause Originally Posted by CD3
And the last time I checked, charity isn't charity if you broadcast it to the world !! Good for you CD3 !! I'm not taking any ice bucket challenge !!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
well then you sir walkertx are a fucking wimp
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
well walkertx made it very clear hi is a fing wimp a illness that took the greatest base ball player and he wont help
HurleyDallas's Avatar
I will be starting CDs cumbucket challenge to raise awareness for all those broads that spit worldwide. Proceeds go to the StopSpittinSpluge Foundation.

Sponsored by Listerine and men everywhere. Originally Posted by CD3
YEA!!!! Stop dem' spitters girl!!!