Would China start a worldwide recession to elect Joe Biden?

  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2019, 09:24 PM
A friend who lives in China and who's a keen observer of U.S. politics has an interesting theory.

He says Joe Biden's son runs a private equity firm, and the Chinese government invested $1 billion+ dollars in it, as a way of currying favor from Biden. He believes the Chinese want to see Biden win the 2020 election, like the Russians wanted to see Trump win in 2016.

However, it's too early for them to start messing with Trump's chances. If Biden doesn't get the Democratic nomination, the Chinese may not be much better off even though Trump loses. Sanders, Warren and some of the other Democratic candidates are just as anti-China as Trump. So my friend expects the Chinese to tread water for the time being. If they can get a deal that's reasonable for China and doesn't cause them to lose face, they may do that.

If Trump's continuing to be difficult come 2020 and if Biden looks like a shoo in for the Democratic nomination, then watch for them to potentially get nasty. He likens China to a giant who's being pelted with pebbles. He doesn't think it's worth responding all out at first. But at some point he's had enough and goes postal. He believes Xi has a strong political motivation to not being seen kowtowing to the Americans. If he looks weak he loses, more so than if a trade war cuts a point or two off GDP. And he notes that the Chinese are very nationalistic and able to put up with a lot more hardship than Americans. In the past, when the Chinese government was pissed off at the Japanese or Koreans over security matters, they'd get the population riled up, and the next thing you know there are riots and Japanese and Korean businesses are torched. So potentially expect to see the same with U.S. companies. They'll do to U.S. businesses what we're doing to Huawei, like for example shut GM and Apple out of China. They'll throw Americans in jail, to get back at us for going after Huawei's Chief Financial Officer (and daughter of its founder), who's under arrest in Canada and awaiting possible deportation to the USA. And they'll try to shut rare earth elements out of products destined for America, which would have bad repercussions for our technology industry and the military.

All this may throw the USA into a recession around the summer or fall of 2020, thus nuking Trump's re-election chances and putting Biden into the presidency.

This is all interesting, but perhaps a little far fetched. A more likely scenario is that Trump doesn't back off on the trade war so that the economy suffers and Biden doesn't need any help from China:


Morgan Stanley Sees Recession Within a Year If Trade War Gets Any Worse

A recession could begin in as soon as nine months if President Donald Trump pushes to impose 25% tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese exports and China retaliates with its own countermeasures, according to Chetan Ahya, chief economist and global head of economics at Morgan Stanley.
Socialist love Communism...
Communist love Socialism...
Redhot1960's Avatar
A friend who lives in China and who's a keen observer of U.S. politics has an interesting theory.

He says Joe Biden's son runs a private equity firm, and the Chinese government invested $1 billion+ dollars in it, as a way of currying favor from Biden. He believes the Chinese want to see Biden win the 2020 election, like the Russians wanted to see Trump win in 2016.

However, it's too early for them to start messing with Trump's chances. If Biden doesn't get the Democratic nomination, the Chinese may not be much better off even though Trump loses. Sanders, Warren and some of the other Democratic candidates are just as anti-China as Trump. So my friend expects the Chinese to tread water for the time being. If they can get a deal that's reasonable for China and doesn't cause them to lose face, they may do that.

If Trump's continuing to be difficult come 2020 and if Biden looks like a shoo in for the Democratic nomination, then watch for them to potentially get nasty. He likens China to a giant who's being pelted with pebbles. He doesn't think it's worth responding all out at first. But at some point he's had enough and goes postal. He believes Xi has a strong political motivation to not being seen kowtowing to the Americans. If he looks weak he loses, more so than if a trade war cuts a point or two off GDP. And he notes that the Chinese are very nationalistic and able to put up with a lot more hardship than Americans. In the past, when the Chinese government was pissed off at the Japanese or Koreans over security matters, they'd get the population riled up, and the next thing you know there are riots and Japanese and Korean businesses are torched. So potentially expect to see the same with U.S. companies. They'll do to U.S. businesses what we're doing to Huawei, like for example shut GM and Apple out of China. They'll throw Americans in jail, to get back at us for going after Huawei's Chief Financial Officer (and daughter of its founder), who's under arrest in Canada and awaiting possible deportation to the USA. And they'll try to shut rare earth elements out of products destined for America, which would have bad repercussions for our technology industry and the military.

All this may throw the USA into a recession around the summer or fall of 2020, thus nuking Trump's re-election chances and putting Biden into the presidency.

This is all interesting, but perhaps a little far fetched. A more likely scenario is that Trump doesn't back off on the trade war so that the economy suffers and Biden doesn't need any help from China:


Morgan Stanley Sees Recession Within a Year If Trade War Gets Any Worse

A recession could begin in as soon as nine months if President Donald Trump pushes to impose 25% tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese exports and China retaliates with its own countermeasures, according to Chetan Ahya, chief economist and global head of economics at Morgan Stanley. Originally Posted by Tiny

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/thomas_sowell
The Democrats probably want our economy to suffer so they beat Trump.

If they could figure out a way to tank the economy for white people they would be gleeful.
The Democrats probably want our economy to suffer so they beat Trump.

If they could figure out a way to tank the economy for white people they would be gleeful. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Very true, the Dird Bag Democrats will stop at nothing to finally defeat the President.
A friend who lives in China and who's a keen observer of U.S. politics has an interesting theory.

He says Joe Biden's son runs a private equity firm, and the Chinese government invested $1 billion+ dollars in it, as a way of currying favor from Biden. He believes the Chinese want to see Biden win the 2020 election, like the Russians wanted to see Trump win in 2016.

However, it's too early for them to start messing with Trump's chances. If Biden doesn't get the Democratic nomination, the Chinese may not be much better off even though Trump loses. Sanders, Warren and some of the other Democratic candidates are just as anti-China as Trump. So my friend expects the Chinese to tread water for the time being. If they can get a deal that's reasonable for China and doesn't cause them to lose face, they may do that.

If Trump's continuing to be difficult come 2020 and if Biden looks like a shoo in for the Democratic nomination, then watch for them to potentially get nasty. He likens China to a giant who's being pelted with pebbles. He doesn't think it's worth responding all out at first. But at some point he's had enough and goes postal. He believes Xi has a strong political motivation to not being seen kowtowing to the Americans. If he looks weak he loses, more so than if a trade war cuts a point or two off GDP. And he notes that the Chinese are very nationalistic and able to put up with a lot more hardship than Americans. In the past, when the Chinese government was pissed off at the Japanese or Koreans over security matters, they'd get the population riled up, and the next thing you know there are riots and Japanese and Korean businesses are torched. So potentially expect to see the same with U.S. companies. They'll do to U.S. businesses what we're doing to Huawei, like for example shut GM and Apple out of China. They'll throw Americans in jail, to get back at us for going after Huawei's Chief Financial Officer (and daughter of its founder), who's under arrest in Canada and awaiting possible deportation to the USA. And they'll try to shut rare earth elements out of products destined for America, which would have bad repercussions for our technology industry and the military.

All this may throw the USA into a recession around the summer or fall of 2020, thus nuking Trump's re-election chances and putting Biden into the presidency.

This is all interesting, but perhaps a little far fetched. A more likely scenario is that Trump doesn't back off on the trade war so that the economy suffers and Biden doesn't need any help from China:


Morgan Stanley Sees Recession Within a Year If Trade War Gets Any Worse

A recession could begin in as soon as nine months if President Donald Trump pushes to impose 25% tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese exports and China retaliates with its own countermeasures, according to Chetan Ahya, chief economist and global head of economics at Morgan Stanley. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well if Biden wins there can be an investigation on Biden for Chinese collusion and if your post leaks out they can interview your friend and you as well, lol.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah ,needs to be said again,,, Quote"Socialist love Communism...
Communist love Socialism"
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-03-2019, 08:03 AM
Why cant we gift creepy uncle Joe to China and get a tax right off?
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 10:26 AM
Well if Biden wins there can be an investigation on Biden for Chinese collusion and if your post leaks out they can interview your friend and you as well, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No need to interview anyone. They can just Google it -- "Hunter Biden China".
No need to interview anyone. They can just Google it -- "Hunter Biden China". Originally Posted by Tiny
Are you Hunter Biden, lol.
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 02:13 PM
Are you Hunter Biden, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No, of course not. He stole the one true love of my life out from under me and I’m out to get him.
Well, I know China wants it's currency ( the Yuan) to replace the American dollar as the world's global currency so if they think Joe Biden could make that happen - I can see that scenario being played out.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A friend who lives in China and who's a keen observer of U.S. politics has an interesting theory.

He says Joe Biden's son runs a private equity firm, and the Chinese government invested $1 billion+ dollars in it, as a way of currying favor from Biden. He believes the Chinese want to see Biden win the 2020 election, like the Russians wanted to see Trump win in 2016.

However, it's too early for them to start messing with Trump's chances. If Biden doesn't get the Democratic nomination, the Chinese may not be much better off even though Trump loses. Sanders, Warren and some of the other Democratic candidates are just as anti-China as Trump. So my friend expects the Chinese to tread water for the time being. If they can get a deal that's reasonable for China and doesn't cause them to lose face, they may do that.

If Trump's continuing to be difficult come 2020 and if Biden looks like a shoo in for the Democratic nomination, then watch for them to potentially get nasty. He likens China to a giant who's being pelted with pebbles. He doesn't think it's worth responding all out at first. But at some point he's had enough and goes postal. He believes Xi has a strong political motivation to not being seen kowtowing to the Americans. If he looks weak he loses, more so than if a trade war cuts a point or two off GDP. And he notes that the Chinese are very nationalistic and able to put up with a lot more hardship than Americans. In the past, when the Chinese government was pissed off at the Japanese or Koreans over security matters, they'd get the population riled up, and the next thing you know there are riots and Japanese and Korean businesses are torched. So potentially expect to see the same with U.S. companies. They'll do to U.S. businesses what we're doing to Huawei, like for example shut GM and Apple out of China. They'll throw Americans in jail, to get back at us for going after Huawei's Chief Financial Officer (and daughter of its founder), who's under arrest in Canada and awaiting possible deportation to the USA. And they'll try to shut rare earth elements out of products destined for America, which would have bad repercussions for our technology industry and the military.

All this may throw the USA into a recession around the summer or fall of 2020, thus nuking Trump's re-election chances and putting Biden into the presidency.

This is all interesting, but perhaps a little far fetched. A more likely scenario is that Trump doesn't back off on the trade war so that the economy suffers and Biden doesn't need any help from China:


Morgan Stanley Sees Recession Within a Year If Trade War Gets Any Worse

A recession could begin in as soon as nine months if President Donald Trump pushes to impose 25% tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese exports and China retaliates with its own countermeasures, according to Chetan Ahya, chief economist and global head of economics at Morgan Stanley. Originally Posted by Tiny
It's more than far fetched. it would be suicide by the Communist party. the only thing keeping them in power is their control of the economy not the military. any attempt to cause a economic collapse in the US or elsewhere would cause a huge crash in China. they are the most export dependent large economy in the world.

their control is not through the military. it's complete control of the economy and business. they lose that in some bullshit effort to throw the US election they are done. Their military cannot control a full scale nationwide riot. oh they can throw the switch and cut the internet and cell service to stop the "movement" but they would actually cause it. think about it, every Chinese in the country already knows the control and censorship the government has. They cut off everyone and everyone knows it's on.

you don't need the internet to look out the window and see thousands rioting in the streets. when that quickly becomes millions it's over. the chinese have planned for this, you bet they have, but it doesn't matter. they station troops in areas not native to where they live so there is in theory less issue with firing into a mob if they aren't your friends and family. does not matter. why? because troops in western china firing on rioters know the same is happening where they live to their families.

within 48 hours the whole thing can and will swell out of control. the military would have to be willing to kill MILLIONS of citizens to stop it. or .. they can kill a few leaders in the government. what do you think they would do in such a mass nationwide riot?

they will turn on the communist leadership. that's what they will do. for this reason alone China cannot do shit to the world economy without destroying themselves.
  • Tiny
  • 06-03-2019, 07:39 PM
It's more than far fetched. it would be suicide by the Communist party. the only thing keeping them in power is their control of the economy not the military. any attempt to cause a economic collapse in the US or elsewhere would cause a huge crash in China. they are the most export dependent large economy in the world.

their control is not through the military. it's complete control of the economy and business. they lose that in some bullshit effort to throw the US election they are done. Their military cannot control a full scale nationwide riot. oh they can throw the switch and cut the internet and cell service to stop the "movement" but they would actually cause it. think about it, every Chinese in the country already knows the control and censorship the government has. They cut off everyone and everyone knows it's on.

you don't need the internet to look out the window and see thousands rioting in the streets. when that quickly becomes millions it's over. the chinese have planned for this, you bet they have, but it doesn't matter. they station troops in areas not native to where they live so there is in theory less issue with firing into a mob if they aren't your friends and family. does not matter. why? because troops in western china firing on rioters know the same is happening where they live to their families.

within 48 hours the whole thing can and will swell out of control. the military would have to be willing to kill MILLIONS of citizens to stop it. or .. they can kill a few leaders in the government. what do you think they would do in such a mass nationwide riot?

they will turn on the communist leadership. that's what they will do. for this reason alone China cannot do shit to the world economy without destroying themselves. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, I said it was a little far fetched. By the same token don't overestimate what leverage we have over them. If they took everything they manufacture that's destined for the USA and dumped it into landfills, it would cut their GDP by four percentage points. That's the ratio of their U.S. exports to GDP. But of course they won't do that. Most of the excess production will go to their other trading partners. So, if we continue on the current course and put tariffs on all their exports, maybe their GDP falls by 1.5%. That means their economy grows at 5% instead of 6.5%. Five percent is better than most of the rest of the world. And who's the Chinese man on the street going to blame the slowdown on? It damn sure won't be Xi and the Communist Party. It'll be Donald Trump and the Americans. Any rioting and burning would be directed to Apple stores and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants and the like.

I don't think China tariffs alone will throw the USA into recession. Combine those with steel, aluminum and auto tariffs on the rest of the world and 25% tariffs on Mexico and you're looking at a pretty good chance of one though. Recession or no recession, the effect of an all out trade war on the economy would probably mean Trump loses the election if Biden's his opponent. And it might be enough to enable the Democrats to win the Senate.
No, of course not. He stole the one true love of my life out from under me and I’m out to get him. Originally Posted by Tiny
good luck.