Camp Alegre

Heading to Campo Alegre next week. Let me know if you want a trip report.
I think everyone would be interested in hearing about your trip! Let us know! Travel safe!


- Jackie
KCQuestor's Avatar
I had a layover in Curacao on my way to Venezuela a few years back and managed to swing (HA!) a few hours at Campo Alegre -- it is literally 5 minutes away from the airport. I had such a great time that I changed my return to include a three day layover.

It is an amazing place.
By all means do a trip report- interested to hear what it's like.
If heaven had a vagina, this would be it.
Wow... just did a Bing search and looked at the website. You're right, KCHobbiest... heaven's vaginal smorgasboard... Looking forward to a written report!
KCQuestor's Avatar
Anyone interested in this kind of vacation should also check out Blackbeard's ( in the Dominican Republic. It is a lot closer and much easier to get to. Given the choice I'd still go back to Campo Alegre, but the differences in airfare and travel time make Blackbeard's fairly attractive.
Hmmm... making a quick trip down to USVI in a few weeks. Too bad I couldn't figure out a way to disappear for a couple extra days!
KCQuestor's Avatar
I found my copy of the Blackbeard's "menu".
That's $78.40 USD at today's exchange rate for all night, ~$39.00 USD for 1-2 hrs (converting from Dominican Peso) . . . Q, I'm surprised you haven't taken up residence there permanently. The photo is a little more than three years old, but I would guess that there hasn't been a huge rate increase . . .

I just noticed those are "maximum rates" . . . can we assume that there were ladies available for less than the rate printed on the sheet?


- Jackie
Looks like it costs more for the cab to and from the resort about $90. Vs $80 for an all nighter. wow.
Ok. Some random thoughts about Campo Alegre:
- all of the girls were hispanic or black. if you are only into white girls dont go
- the cost of the hour is USD$28. unbelievable.
- the girls upcharge for greek but everything else is included
- all activities are covered. no bbbj.
- there is a bar in the center of the camp that serves cheap drinks during your recovery period
-the camp is right by the airport so easy access when you get there
-it is not a hotel. i stayed about 20 minutes away at a resort and drove up when the mood hit
- there is every body type imaginable available.
- it is not a high pressure environment. some girls will kiss at you but if you don't show interest they move on.
- when you make a decision it is straight to business, no hassles
- knowing some spanish definitely helps. vamanos is enough to get started.
- i never saw guys who weren't together chat. if you go alone, you will be alone
- the island itself is not that nice. the beaches are very rocky and there are a lot of oil refineries

If anyone has questions, feel free to PM me.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Ok. Some random thoughts about Campo Alegre: Originally Posted by KCHobbiest
Those observations pretty much matched my experience. Blackbeards is similar, except more black girls and fewer Hispanics. BBBJ is also much more common there, but Greek is much less available.