Sugar Babies

AllThisMeat's Avatar
So, a while back I had a sugar baby. We had a fairly liberal relationship... she had a boyfriend who was a dick and she had certain financial needs which weren't being met. We some how worked out a deal where I would take her somewhere she liked, buy her something she wanted or pay a bill in exchange for some playtime. It was an ideal situation because she never talked about it to anyone (could keep a secret), and always made good on her play dates.

Well, she has since moved away... now, I've no sugar baby to call my own... well at least not one who was as reasonable and reliable as she was. What's your opinion on sugar babies? Do you guys have any advice on where to find a low-key SB who enjoys the art of tit for tat?

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I have tried this SD/SB relationship with several SB over the last couple of years.

All have started out great, all have ended poorly,

Lessons learned:

There is an arc to the arrangement.
SD hopes that the arc rises and plateaus at a longer term mutually beneficial deal
SB hopes the arc keeps rising, (the money tree grows to the sky)
Don't be too generous in the beginning.
Let the generosity build slowly...
Make sure you don't get too far ahead of the SB financially,
Once they get behind, they will bolt.
SB always think the generosity should be always increasing.

SB need to be told and told again that financial giving Must BALANCE affection.

My problems arose when I tried (too hard) to perpetuate the illusion of a BF/GF relationship.
and did not spell out Clearly that it was a Business Deal.

SD has to stay in control of the balance.
SB will always need money and more money, and can find many excuses to cancel meetings, but the need for money is never postponed.

I have tried providing a weekly "allowance" in hopes of not having to wrangle over money, doesn't work.

I have tried giving respect, encouragement, mentoring, shopping, entertainment, vacations, etc.
None of these has been meaningful to the SB.

Bottom Line: Affection and Intimacy First, Financial Reward After.

PS: If dope gets involved, Kill the Deal.
There will Never be enough money to support their habit.

PS: Don't let your emotions get involved, the SB sure doesn't...

PS: Don't fool yourself thinking that you are the only SD she has.
She is always looking for a better deal.

I am not bitter or regretful over the SD/SB Deals, in fact I am taking the lessons learned and continue to look for the right SB who could appreciate what I can offer.

Live and Learn.
Not all women that behave like. I have had fantastic, generous, and stable sd/sb relationships. That being said, I wouldn't try to find one on here. For me, the successful ones involved clear expectations on both sides. I got a monthly or weekly allowance, he saw me once a week, or for two long weekends, or whatever. The one that wanted to do the a bit here, a bit there was frustrating for me.

I have definitely managed to slide a few regulars over to the sd style of date, but I would not consider them a sd.
And talking about these women like they are unruly children makes you wildly unattractive. If this is how you view these girls no wonder they were reluctant to be affectionate with you.
And talking about these women like they are unruly children makes you wildly unattractive. If this is how you view these girls no wonder they were reluctant to be affectionate with you. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Yep, sounded kind of parochial, but maybe it was a very youthful demographic he engaged with?
There was a good discussion brewing in the Nebraska forums regarding this topic . . . it seems to have waned a bit.

SB/SD relationships are difficult, but not impossible within the endeavor . . . but some perils are inherent.

Shyster Jon (a somewhat prolific poster on this board) has some great SB/SD advice that has worked well for him . . . if you do a search you'll find a lot of great information from him and others scattered around . . . Honestly, IMHO this would be a great topic for the National forum, maybe condensed older threads and posts along with new discussion . . . If I have time I'll put one together later this week!

I'd love a great NEW thread on the subject, especially in light of the recent WSJ article on the matter and two state Attorney Generals stating that the relationship is so intertwined within the boundaries of common law arrangements (if both parties are single) that although they have a difficult time prosecuting the arrangement as prostitution, their offices are ATTEMPTING to award settlements to the females as though it was a common law dissolution when the arrangement ends . . . Of course this is posturing (for the media . . and) to simply to dissuade the practice of SD/ SB relationships within their jurisdiction as a whole, but damn, if they actually pull that off, it may END the practice for a lot of gentlemen.

Food for thought.


- Jackie
These are mature young ladies we are talking about to refer to them in childish terms would imply that all sugar babies at the end of the day are counting the money.
Cut the money flow and watch her assets dry up faster than the desert at noon.
Cut the money flow and watch her assets dry up faster than the desert at noon. Originally Posted by big country
Well exactly. Cut off the pussy and watch the money disappear. Double edged sword. Your phrasing implies the expectation that the girl you are paying for companionship should continue to do so after you stop paying her. I'd love to try this logic with my car payment.

If you are paying a person for something, there is no need for them to continue when you are no longer paying.
Point taken Lilianna What level of commitment are we talking about?? Not trying to push the bounderies of preset limits goes against human nature. Long term higher expects of either party seems to be so preset
as to make the chance for neither party to feel they are not being shorted remote.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
And talking about these women like they are unruly children makes you wildly unattractive. If this is how you view these girls no wonder they were reluctant to be affectionate with you. Originally Posted by SillyGirl

Not to split hairs but... am I the only one who found this comment a tad ironic?
AllThisMeat's Avatar
I saw on the national board a forum about SB/SD's and while their opinions were interesting, I prefer the opinions of the locals than the hundreds of guys on this site who have never stepped foot in this area.

My last SB relationship was quite ideal as I mentioned other than the fact that it had to eventually end. I didn't have to dole out an ever increasing amount of cash in order to keep her interest and fortunately for me she steadily increased her level of affection over time in order to keep my interest.

Was I her only SD? I'm not sure why one would care to be honest. As I said, she had a boyfriend so in some ways he was taking care of her. If I had a problem with that I would have found someone else. I handled certain things and if she had someone else on the hook for others, well, that's his issue to deal with not mine.

As for where I choose to look for a SB, trust this, it won't be on this site. There is a careful balance of financial need, sexual desire, and ignorance of the world that most ladies on this site would easily tip the scales on one of those 3 SB requirements.
I tried it once thought it might have more rewards than escorts.Might be more personal and find someone who actually liked me as a person.I was wrong,when you sit at lunch and she is checking her phone getting on facebook txting another girlfriend who happens to be on her lunch break. waste of assets
No positive arrangements in my history and frankly is kinda pointless with the availability of providers and an ability to work something out beyond the normal fare.

One of those 2:00am ideas after too many cocktails.
Not to split hairs but... am I the only one who found this comment a tad ironic? Originally Posted by AllThisMeat

I sincerely hope so Alanis.