
People have called and told me not to worry, that most of Memphis proper is fine. Is this true? Should I postpone coming? I hope I don't know anyone who abandons their pets. I have two rescues, one of whom I got after someone dropped her off. Hope everyone else is fine..xoxo
Satyrrical's Avatar
The River is expected to keep rising through the 10th with runoff. East areas are OKat the moment. I know Wolfchase is fine. Germantown should be as well. It may just be who can get to you as to whether it is worth while. During my disappointing trip downtown today, I did not see any bad areas.
Okay..it still worries me. I sincerely hope everyone is fine. I have a dog that was abandoned in a foreclosure mess, so I hope that everyone is doing right by their pets too. Its a horrible situation all the way around.

As for you, do I have to get you out of trouble again? lol...
Satyrrical's Avatar
Me? Trouble? Never.

Though a preemptive spanking may be in order.
DallasRain's Avatar
be careful & have fun!
The best explanation that I have heard is the river is @ to "wrap it's arms around Memphis".

If there is one thing we natives have a healthy respect for - it's the MS.

North of Mphs will flood, south of Mphs will flood, some parts of south and north Mphs are already flooded, west of us will flood, out east - areas in the Wolf River floodplane will flood. I got home Friday to ACOE and TEMA digging on my property (sheriff said you wouldn't mind, well I don't but DAMN! - ask) and the NE corner that had water for the first time in almost 100 years is now a lake on the entire NE side of my land - and rising. Good fishing there too. My dad is having a blast.

Barring another 20 feet or major levee/floodgate failure 90% (or more) of Mphs will be fine. In a town of over 1mill, they have asked 1,000 homes to evacuate.

Further south where it flattens out will be the issue.
tammy4u's Avatar
If you watched the weather channel this morning they did a live broadcast that said by the time it was said and done that 20,000 people will need the use of some kind of shelter.........thought I was pretty safe but watching the briefs to see what happens. I had to keep rewinding the report to make sure what I heard was really what he said.......

Quite a site to see, we drove to west memphis to the races and some of that water looks like it could almost go over 40.....and much to my surprise had to leave the races early because it was too dusty......go figure on that one.
Yes, unfortunately it seems like it isnt something to play with. So, waiting it out..xoxo
It is sad to see houses and businesses out of water. It is harder to think of people and pets losing homes. At the same time, we need to give credit to the army corp of engineers. When they designed the flood control systems, they clearly knew what they were doing. The drainage system in Memphis proper was build to ensure that flooding did not submerge the urban area (or at least the urban area at that time). Some of the flooding has occurred in areas where buildings were constructed before the flood codes. Particularly striking is to see the berm for West Memphis. The river is only three miles wide because that berm was correctly constructed and well-maintained.

Bottom line - Credit the limitations on the damage to well used tax dollars.
I will finally make it down next week. I was in Nashville when it flooded, so I am extra careful. Flooding is very sad. Ciao!! xoxo