Please use the "alerts" section

Limerick's Avatar
As opposed to calling the local authorities:
offshoredrilling's Avatar
yes please use alerts. Or a NO review. This was a problem(still is) at the AC. Rather than come back to bar to tell others. Would call the cops. There will always be some numnuts to do this. And now both will have there day in court. So silly.
As opposed to calling the local authorities: Originally Posted by Limerick
It takes a special kind of stupid to call the Better Business Bureau on an illegal service.

brutusbluto's Avatar
My only comment is

Hardpiped03's Avatar
Another Darwin Award winner.....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
after reading your post all I can think of is....

They found the missing link to the history of man kind, and, and, and he is still alive. Details on page 2.