Where in the World is Al Bundy

barrybarry39's Avatar
and what has he been you to (or Down into)
Could that be him in the bottom of the bottom pic?
You decide.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I hope he is ok and thats just a meme love not a actual picture
^^ What’s that Lassie? Timmy fell down the well?

Let's hope barrybarry doesnt get banned
for posting an actaul picture of albundy
tornado82's Avatar
"Please use RestRoom before Vist"
pyramider's Avatar
Al will be known as Peg in the future ...
Up shits creek??????
mrredcat43's Avatar
He was being a bad boy and had to be punished......
pyramider's Avatar
I was told he was busy transitioning into Peggy ...
gimme_that's Avatar
"Please use RestRoom before Vist" Originally Posted by tornado82
Hobby speak for my pimp, girlfriend, or dpog is in the restroom.........

Either that.....or wipe you dick off on the curtains........doesnt seem like a clean towels offered situation.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Al oh Al, please hurry back.... The village has let it's idiots loose and we need some order here, or some Al Bundy humor...

And before anyone gets their shorts in a bunch, I was just being funny... not insulting anyone...lighten up gees...
I just got back into town and saw this one.
I think Al and I are on the same page so I may have to take the slack up for him on this one if she is still in town.

Will everyone know how it goes.

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Who is in town?
pyramider's Avatar
Peggy Bundy
annie@christophers's Avatar
Thank God her ..not me for once. .