The House busts the Biden Crime family

bambino's Avatar
NOW - House Oversight Committee: "The Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies."


bambino's Avatar
The banks filed 170 suspicious activity reports on the Biden bank transactions. ������


When banks receive suspicious wire transfers they are required to report those to the government.

But the government did nothing.
rmg_35's Avatar
Just another far-right extremely bias conspiracy theory news source.
bambino's Avatar
Just another far-right extremely bias conspiracy theory news source. Originally Posted by rmg_35
You can watch the presser. Bank records, wire transfers, 170 SARS from the Treasury. This can’t be disputed. Sorry Brah.
rmg_35's Avatar
You can watch the presser. Bank records, wire transfers, 170 SARS from the Treasury. This can’t be disputed. Sorry Brah. Originally Posted by bambino
Get off all the far-right extremist conspiracy theory website then maybe reality will set in:
HDGristle's Avatar
See, the problem there is that they'll just read shit between the lines that isn't there because they like the stories better when they connect dots that don't connect.
bambino's Avatar
See, the problem there is that they'll just read shit between the lines that isn't there because they like the stories better when they connect dots that don't connect. Originally Posted by HDGristle
What “shit” Mr Gristle? Bank records, wire transfers, treasury SARS, emails, texts and photos are “shit”. It’s hard evidence. But Congress can’t indict anyone. They can investigate and provide oversight. They can send criminal referrals to the DOJ. Which would be worthless because they’ve been active in covering things up. Like the letter that the “Intelligence” officials signed. Which has been admitted, and proven to be a lie. The House could choose to go the Impeachment route. But the Senate won’t convict. But Ray Charles could connect these dots.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Bitch about a biased site, and post an article from Maddow Blog that quotes the New York Times.
See, the problem there is that they'll just read shit between the lines that isn't there because they like the stories better when they connect dots that don't connect. Originally Posted by HDGristle
... Hmmmm... So the bank records are WRONG, eh?

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
You have some stuff, there. Terrible optics. Requires more investigation. But you're inferring the direct connection to Joe.

Find the pieces that connect the dots instead of trying to connect them by inference.

You just may be right, but you're missing some critical connections to help others get on board. Until then, you have a working theory with some plausibility but which leaves plenty of room for reasonable doubt
... And that "room" is GETTING SMALLER - with each passing day!

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Get off all the far-right extremist conspiracy theory website then maybe reality will set in: Originally Posted by rmg_35
Hey RMG, it was a video of the press conference! It has nothing to do with a right wing anything. It happened in real time. It’s reality. Something you are lacking in your posts.
bambino's Avatar
You have some stuff, there. Terrible optics. Requires more investigation. But you're inferring the direct connection to Joe.

Find the pieces that connect the dots instead of trying to connect them by inference.

You just may be right, but you're missing some critical connections to help others get on board. Until then, you have a working theory with some plausibility but which leaves plenty of room for reasonable doubt Originally Posted by HDGristle
Well, since the Biden’s do not own or operate a business of any kind, why are tens of millions coming their way? Explain that Mr Gristle. And there are multiple texts/emails where Hunter says 10% for the big guy. There’s also a text from Hunter to his daughter saying the he won’t make her give him half of her earnings like his Pop. So Mr Gristle, you have to prove those things don’t exist. But they do. And more whistleblowers are talking. There’s far more here than Trumps last case in which you’re gloating about. That’s a fact.
HDGristle's Avatar
... And that "room" is GETTING SMALLER - with each passing day!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Not really. That's still wishful thinking. Don't fall into the same trap that folks on the right say about folks on the left.

You're better than that, remember? And Salty ain't no hypocrite.

Mr. T don't pity you and Mrs. T has those pierogi things you like.