Please share your thoughts on this subject. How do you guys feel about Jason Garrett taking over coaching duties. I'm just excited that it's a tiny step in the right direction!!
Boltfan's Avatar
I think until Jerry Jones decides to be the owner only and not the GM this team will continue to go nowhere fast. Unless Jason Garrett decides to channel Jimmy Johnson and go hard-ass on this team (assuming Jerry will even allow that) he won't do any better.
Jason is different and but quite capable of doing even worse. They need to fire the GM. Until they do, we will have more seasons like this.
Energizer's Avatar
Jason might bring a "different attitude", but not sure how much this will help the Team. I think the next Coach needs to be John Gruden. He is a firey guy and is not afraid to bench a player if needed.
pmdelites's Avatar
i'm not much of a sports fan/follower, much less a cowboys fan/follower.
but i dont know jerry sticks his finger in where it might not belong.
when will he fire himself!!

p.s., have you seen him in the wingstop commercial where he tells troy during the discussion of who gets the last wing ... "well, wingstop is the official wing of cowboy stadium. therefore, that means wingstop is the official wing of ME. so i get it" [or something along those lines].

not "therefore, since i'm the chairman of the cowboys, i get it."

regardless, either statment seems highly egotistical to me.
either by design or for image/entertainment purposes. [i.e., is he really such an ass in his personal life??]

btw, are any of you providers going to offer wade a "going away" encounter freebie :^)
Int3rested's Avatar
Jon Gruden would work...experienced motivator that could work with JJ...
cookie man's Avatar
There was too much talent on this team to suck the way they did. Bad play, bad decisions, bad coaching, and lack of character...QUITTERS! They quit playing, so I quit watching them. They will never get to the top echelon until Jerry Jones turns over control to a real football man. Good luck with that.

Wade Phillips is a good defensive coordinator, but not head coach material...just one of Jerry's boys. Thank goodness he was put out of his misery today.
Fabulous comments gentlemen!! I agree....Jon Gruden as head coach and absolutely someone other than Jerry as the GM!!!
gman44's Avatar
Well I agree that Wade Phillips was not disciplining the cowboys and that's what they needed. Jason Garrett I just heard is in from the news and he needs to get them really fired up every single game. He's got to step up to the challenge.
dfwhd2's Avatar
about time. Jason wont last.
  • MRMR
  • 11-08-2010, 04:53 PM
And what has the Offense done this year besides Suck!
Both Wade and Jason should go.
Still a 2 to 3 win team if that.
This team has rolled over.

I am born and raised here in Big "D"... and so the Cowboys's have continued to embarrass me throughout this reign! Really, firing the coach is certainly a step in the right direction, and I agree with the general census here that the GM MUST BE FIRED, before any progress in the right direction is made.

If you think back... the last time the Cowboys were a winning team... was the Jimmy Johnson days... when really, the team was already built, so with a great coach, they did win 3 Superbowls! But once that existing team dwindled... they have not built a quality team with Jerry as the GM! Unfortunately, I am afraid that Jerry is too egotistical to EVER admit that he cannot effectively put together and maintain a team that exudes discipline, character, hard work and ultimately... flawless execution!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Garrett's just as big of an overpaid bum as Wade. I learned today that two of Garrett's brothers are position coaches on the staff. figures.
I really hope JJ doesn't think carrot-head can turn this thing around, does he? he may actually be crafty!?!?! and setting up carrot-head. if he doesn't improve the team in any way he'll get axed too. In fact any real head coach would insist on control of the staff probably meaning carrot-head's out. i hear Bill Cowher simply won't touch Dallas because of JJ even with complete control (Remember Bill had control yet JJ got TO probably against Bill's wishes) so that leaves Chuckie as the front-runner. it's not beyond possibility that Chuckie could pull a Tampa Bay. but i wouldn't bet on it.
I suppose I am one of the few who has mixed emotions about Wade's firing. To me it was a classic example of Wade being used as a scapegoat! Granted, Wade lost control of the football team. Why, because the players have always known that Wade was not in charge. J.J.'s ego would not allow Wade to be in charge. He would not permit the Dallas Cowboys players to recognize the authority of Wade Phillips. J.J. set things up to get all of the credit if things went well and Wade would get all of the blame if things go south! J.J. has to have a scapegoat! This time it just happened to be Wade Phillips!

Therein lies the problem!

Wade is a good football coach and has had success wherever he has gone. He is not an elite coach in the Jimmy Johnson or Bill Parcell's mode but in my humble opinion, he is the 3rd best coach hired by the Cowboys since Tom Landry was inexplicably fired by J.J. The problem was not Wade Phillips, plain and simple! If J.J. inteded to correct the problem with the Cowboy's organization, he should have fired the General Manager, not the Head Coach! But his oversized ego would not allow him to do so!

What a pompous, egotistical ASS! Quite frankly, I know how to spell LOSER. It is spelled Jerry Jones, not Wade Phillips!
pyramider's Avatar
Red Jesus won't do a thing. He is not even a good coordinator.