Just because you are a provider doesn't mean you don't have rights

cinderbella's Avatar
I am noticing a disturbing trend here, mainly on the Dallas forums as of late. It seems to me that just because a woman is a provider does not mean she does not have the same rights in regards to her health and safety as any other woman. Personally, I pay taxes and treat my business just as I would if it were legit. I don't accept appointments from anyone I would not feel comfortable being stranded alone with on an elevator. I have learned not to take the most common forms of harrassment, ie harrassing phone calls. I used to ignore the caller, hoping he would just go away. I have since learned such techniques as identifying the caller's location and threatening the harrasser with the information and letting him know that I am not scared and I will not accept or condone the behavior and will press charges. Recently I read on here about a drugging incident where he also robbed her blind. If that happened to me, I simply would not tolerate it. I would literally hunt the guy down and deliver my own justice. You simply cannot conduct yourself like a victim. You have to educate yourself and you have to realize that some people are dangerous. Don't be so accomodating, make someone prove to you that they value an appointment with you and that if you don't take care of yourself nobody else will. I recently had an episode unhobby related where a man in my neighborhood had an anger issue. He came outside and threatened to shoot me in broad daylight because he felt I was walking too close to his property. I went to the police station and reported it. The cop looked at me like I was making a mountain out of a molehill but he wasn't the one given a verbal threat, I was. As far as I am concerned, I pay taxes and I have rights. Don't let the cops or the men who contact you tell you you don't. You cannot be weak and be a provider. You must stand up for yourself.
addict's Avatar
So what is the trend, "mainly on the Dallas forums", that you are noticing? While I agree with your main premise that providers and women in general need to be careful and stand up for their rights, I'm not sure what has happened here that has apparently given you the idea that people here disagree.
Recently I read on here about a drugging incident where he also robbed her blind. If that happened to me, I simply would not tolerate it. I would literally hunt the guy down and deliver my own justice. Originally Posted by cinderbella
Brilliant....simply brilliant. Vigilante justice, a true hallmark of an enlightened society.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I don't think she said anyone said they disagreed. I think she is making a statement that providers need to be more firm with their safety and be less of a doormat.

And Tony, are you saying she doesn't have a right to go after a person if they violated her?
Personally, I pay taxes and treat my business just as I would if it were legit.. Originally Posted by cinderbella
I think the SIC for prostitutes is: 7299 ..Can I send you a 1099?
And Tony, are you saying she doesn't have a right to go after a person if they violated her? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Kaylee, the OP (and everyone else in society for that matter) has every right to seek a remedy for any wrongs done to them. But "hunting them down and delivering her own justice" is not the best recourse.

I can hear the exchange in court now in the arraignment hearing...

OP: Your honor, this john drugged me and stole my money. So after I woke up and realized what he had done to me, I tracked him down like a rat and shot him dead!

Judge: Well dear, that's all fine and dandy. However, we have law enforcement for handling these sorts of issues. This isn't the wild west. The charge is murder, bail set at $100,000!
addict's Avatar
I don't think she said anyone said they disagreed. I think she is making a statement that providers need to be more firm with their safety and be less of a doormat.

And Tony, are you saying she doesn't have a right to go after a person if they violated her? Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Then what exactly is the disturbing trend on the Dallas forums?
pmdelites's Avatar
cinderbella posted "I am noticing a disturbing trend here, mainly on the Dallas forums as of late. It seems to me that just because a woman is a provider does not mean she does not have the same rights in regards to her health and safety as any other woman."

2nd sentence - agreed! all people have the same rights wrt health, safety, education, etc.

1st sentence - unless you can cite some threads/posts, probably best to just leave that claim out and stick w/ the "be safe" people.

wrt this "Recently I read on here about a drugging incident where he also robbed her blind. If that happened to me, I simply would not tolerate it. I would literally hunt the guy down and deliver my own justice."

it depends on what your form of justice is. even pelting him with rotten eggs might get you a mischief or assault charge.

i suggest you read up on self-defense, castle laws, just cause legailties. meteing out justice on your own would likely land you in prison, regardless of who you meted out justice to.
turn it over to the cops!! and dog them until they do something.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Brilliant....simply brilliant. Vigilante justice, a true hallmark of an enlightened society. Originally Posted by Tony Patella
This is Texas!! We don't need no stinkin badges...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I didn't see her say she would be violent towards him. If someone did that to me, you bet, I would hunt his ass down as well and deliver my own form of justice and it would be in the form of the "the law". This squeeky wheel would be getting the grease, trust me on that one.

It's not nice to put words someones mouth like that. Who knows what her "form of justice" would be" since she didn't elaborate on it. And I hope she comes on here and clears it up because next thing you know, someone will be claiming they saw Micheal Jackson hanging out with Elvis.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I don't believe it has anything to do with a growing trend, some people are just assholes. Anonymity makes people even bigger assholes. The police usually won't take someone's word about a threat without some evidence or witnesses. The cop's response may be understandable if you were just giving your account.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Whoops...double post. Sorry
I didn't realize that providers pay taxes.
I wonder if i can deduct my session as health services, consulting fees, business expense...
if i get a sugarbaby, can i claim dependents?
addict's Avatar
I didn't see her say she would be violent towards him. If someone did that to me, you bet, I would hunt his ass down as well and deliver my own form of justice and it would be in the form of the "the law". This squeeky wheel would be getting the grease, trust me on that one.

It's not nice to put words someones mouth like that. Who knows what her "form of justice" would be" since she didn't elaborate on it. And I hope she comes on here and clears it up because next thing you know, someone will be claiming they saw Micheal Jackson hanging out with Elvis. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

It is not outlandish to take "my own form of justice" to mean vigilantism. It implies different justice than the law allows, thus the precursor "my own form". If your own form of justice was the law, it would make the phrase redundant. You would just simply say you would seek out justice.
cinderbella's Avatar
Before joining the hobby world, I had a dear friend who was a retired female police officer. She was very petite and short in stature, sometimes she would have to arrest a man much larger than she and occasionally one would try to physically prevent her by throwing punches at her. Unfortunately, one guy was able to beat her up badly. She pressed charges and attended his hearings and asked the judge to enforce the law and the judge let the guy off too lightly. She now carries her gun with her whenever she is alone for her safety and told me the law doesn't necessarily support the right of a victim. I learned from her to be proactive about my safety and I wish to convey the message to anyone who may try to harm me that I will fight back to the best of my ability.

I thought I had read more frequent posts from some of the ladies here about phone harrassment. Perhaps I was thinking I had read most of them in the Dallas forums, it may be that I had read too many and lumped them all in the Dallas catagory. In any event, it seemed more frequent that the providers posting were being too leinient with the callers and trying to reason with the unreasonable. In my opinion, if someone doesn't respect you during a phone call they aren't worth the time or hassle and I would advise them to simply hang up and block the number.