Haters...give me a FUCKING break.....

malwoody's Avatar
I move that an amendment to the rules be adopted and anyone who uses "haters" in the future is banned for 7 days...I mean WTF..? one can't even label a threAD a threAD without being called a HATER.....from what I have seen on this board, the real haters are routinely weeded out and quite frankly I have chased a few myself....IMO it would be nice if the dweebs who always want to whine about the "haters" would learn to think for themselves..

In other words...grow a brain with an occasional original thought..

The DarkSide's Avatar
Hate hate hate hate!!! My brain is growing thinking about her pics and that pickup truck
pyramider's Avatar
Someone should post some taint right about now.
Mr_LongStick's Avatar
What's all the hate and taint about!!
I hate that!
People who call others "haters" are really intolerant. I refuse to tolerate intolerance!

Intolerant people need to be shot. Then hung. Then burned, then buried. Then dug up again, so we can jump up and down on whatever's left!

I hate it when you talk dirty.
ScubaBad's Avatar
I just hate being hated. F that shit

Stop being a hater.

I just hate all the hate, from the non-haters who keep pushing their hate upon us haters...it is a hateful thing I say, utterly hateful!!

Please to all you non-haters, don't hate the GT sippers, we are strictly a practicing non-hateful group of haters...and then of course please do not forget.......

Time to put a lime in the coconut, stir it all up...and call me in the morning...say Doctor!!!!
CaptainKaos's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Taint brings peace to the world. When you hear a bell ring, someone found the taint.
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
TaylorBliss's Avatar
Awww, sounds like someone needs a hug....
pmdelites's Avatar
let's call it what it really is - jealousy, sucking up, attempting to win points, deep seated resentment, ....

one good thing about "hate" - it shows you that the person is passionate about something.

pyramider - for you [via google image search]



well, you cant see their taints, but you can see their wings...


"dynamic taint analysis"

and if you need to classfiy it...

here's pyramider...

and his mom...

this one is the best, imo...

and just so you know, taint has been around a lonnnnnnnng time!!

[btw, kiddos, those are called 45s]

doncha just hate it?? :^)