The Breakfast Club

luvlittlemilkers's Avatar
Let's lighten this discussion forum up a bit. I was recently driving back form St. Louis, and as some of you may know it is a pretty boring drive. To add to it, I don't listen to the radio while driving. I think. And I must say I have solved the worlds problems a number of times but I can never remember the shit I think of. It's like Rosanne Rosannadanna. I digress.

What I was wondering is... are there any stories to be had with these questions:

When going through school, if you were to be cast in the movie The Breakfast Club, what role or stereotype would you fit into?

Emillio- The Athlete
Molly- The Princess
Judd- The Bad boy
Ally- The Outcast
Anthony- The Nerd

Second question.

How did this play into where you are today in the "hobby"?

I was the athlete, but I had really good friends in all categories. I would also say that I split my sexual satisfaction with being a man-whore and being a hand-whore (is that why I can't see?). Being the athlete gave me the opportunity to see a lot of different girls, at one time I had five girls I was doing. Oh, those were the days. Then I got married and the world as I knew it changed. I missed having the ability to choose who I was going to see or fuck. That is what has brought me to the hobby.
bp6570's Avatar
I was Carl, the Janitor... still am...
Mr_LongStick's Avatar
I was the Bologna sandwich.
I was the ADHD kid in class.
I’m the kid if they put me in the library
I would tear the pages out of the book’s…..
I ended up running track and field.
I pole vaulted, long jumped, hurdles (low), sprints 100, 200, and team 400.
Went to state in the 400, we sucked ass at state. But coach took us to our first R-x movie…
Lots of nudity but just titties and the motion like they were having sex… (HBO after dark)
Funny as video on u-tube