cause yer ...all ...dumb

Plastic Man's Avatar
weiner synced ...his computer with ...humas an that be ...why there be 650k emails on

...they were collected over ...some amount of time

...the emails were placed ...a folder weiner named life

...weiner has allowed ...the fbi access ta his cause he donts wants ta end ...up dead in prison so he be cooperatin

...but the real ...story aints the classification of ...emails

...that be mostly a dog pony

...the real story be the ongoing ...investigation of the cgi an cf

...there be corruption reaching ta the ...highest levels on both ...sides an if all is revealed there ...might be mass unrest with foreign ...powers involved

...the level of depravity epic

...there is now a ...war goin on within federal agencies

...what ya done hear ...on tv be mostly disinformation an smokescreen
HoJo2010's Avatar
I got some interesting reading if anybody wants it. Don't know who wrote it but............
More t......ha....N pla....sti.....c man....'s.... bri....N....g it....on
I got some interesting reading if anybody wants it. Don't know who wrote it but............ Originally Posted by HoJo2010

Me too HoJo....

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