Essential businesses during stay-at-home

MajTom's Avatar
Italy. Stay-at-home policy. The streets are empty and only essential businesses are open...

MajTom's Avatar
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Italy. Stay-at-home policy. The streets are empty and only essential businesses are open...

[IMG]URL=][/URL][/IMG] Originally Posted by MajTom


OP: I love your handle and that song. Grew up listening to Bowie.

Happy Hobbying!
MajTom's Avatar
Alyssa: Glad you liked it. It's one of my favorite songs, too. Actually, I was planning to meet you for quite some time. Now I just need to wait till this stay-at-home is over and I'll land back to Earth.
Stay safe!
Yours in hobby,
Major Tom