Chinese Communist Party (CCP) COVID19 Coverup. Accountabililty? Reparations?

It appears the CCP censored medical experts and destroyed evidence about the disease in the early stages when it could have been contained. They're already on a propaganda campaign to pin blame on the US Army. I think they may get away with it.

Thoughts on CCP behavior?

Here are a few of the costs incurred by USA so far.

$2 trillion bailout to keep economy afloat
3.3 million new unemployment claims in 1 week (record)
1,100+ DEATHS
Good luck with that.

The US should be more focused at this time containing the economic and individual damage to people and this country. There may be some type of damages in the future from China but I doubt that I or my fellow citizens will see penny one.

Fortunately the vast majority of people will make it through this pandemic with no lasting health issues. This isn't polio. Don't panic.
hyperinflation's Avatar
Lmao! Good luck. You will have much better luck chasing those that are most responsible for the way this globalized world turned out to be. Your own corporate overlords, 0.001% geniuses and futurists, end of history crowd, political establishment of both isles..... I'm really amazed that despicable dictatorship , responsible for more deaths amongst its own population since 1949 then likes of Uncle Jo or Adolf , that harvests organs on industrial scale, keeps few million minorities in concentration camps even today , lies about anything from trivial stuff to energy use , gdp # , would lie and obfuscate about pandemic!!! Wow, how dare they. But hey , accumulating piles of cheap and not so cheap China made trash over 40+ years was worth it.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Your own president had intelligence reports stating the pandemic was impending as early as January and did nothing, what do you want to do with him?
Hell he even said it was a hoax perpetrated by dems to thwart his re-election.
We should all want our pound of flesh from the liar in cheif.

Oh and blast China from the face of earth.
I find it funny how some here can only see one side of things.
Thru a lot of February dems were saying the virus was bullshit.
I guess a lot of people forget.
Never ever are both sides 100% correct. The problem is people buy into shit and don't use their own brain.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Your a shining example of one who doesn’t use their brain.

Shit in the US could have been contained in Washington state if the dipshit in control had acted sooner.
Dems are not in control.
By your idiotic post I can tell you assume I’m a dem.
Nope kill all politicians!

Don’t you have some trannies to review? I mean... since you’re not doing anything different?
VitaMan's Avatar
You can't take drastic action just because you think something may happen.
As for statistics, 1,000 deaths and 3.3 million unemployed......makes it sound like the cure is far worse than the disease....until you understand why

Hillary is following the president still, tweeting unrealistic claims after his tweets....poor, sad Hillary
O'Mike's Avatar
The Marine Corps has begun shifting it's focus and structure for a future conflict with China.
You can't take drastic action just because you think something may happen. Originally Posted by VitaMan
The allegation is that CCP censored information and destroyed evidence.

As for statistics, 1,000 deaths and 3.3 million unemployed......makes it sound like the cure is far worse than the disease....until you understand why Originally Posted by VitaMan
Those numbers will go higher.
boardman's Avatar
Hindsight is always 2020.

Trump was blasted by the left and the media as Xenophobic and Racist for implementing a travel ban when he did. It came only 10 days after the first case appeared in the US and against the advice of 20 something other advisors who were in the room when he made the decision.

I'm not sure how much quicker he was supposed to act. Any sooner and people would have been saying he was being more irrational that they already were. Seems most have backed off of that commentary because the medical community is saying it was a bold move that may have saved thousands and certainly slowed the spread. Information was still rolling in at that time and as the OP noted it was not completely truthful. Medical experts were not calling on him to take such drastic measures but most of them are praising him for it now.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Catman do you agree with taking sick off cruise ships and putting them on military bases scattered throughout the US?
Don’t you think it would have been a better to put them in one place, oh I don’t know... like Seattle where the first cases presented.
Or at a minimum lock the bases down?
boardman's Avatar
Your own president had intelligence reports stating the pandemic was impending as early as January and did nothing, what do you want to do with him?
Hell he even said it was a hoax perpetrated by dems to thwart his re-election.
We should all want our pound of flesh from the liar in cheif.

Oh and blast China from the face of earth. Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac

You seem to be misrepresenting the "hoax" comment just like the left and liberal media.
You criticize trump for not doing something quicker.
Look at the timeline. The first case showed up 1/21, Trump called for that initial travel ban for anyone who had recently been to China on 1/31. He was blasted for nearly a full month as being racist and xenophobic. The left attacked his decision for the ban and said he reacted too hastily. They did everything possible to politicize the travel ban in effect using it against him hoping it would make him look bad and thwart his re-election. All of that is accurate.

Trump's remarks on February 28, while still being criticized as racist and xenophobic by the likes of Joe Biden, likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new corona virus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." That's exactly what they were doing at that time. They were trying to take him down once again on a "hoax" that he was racist and xenophobic. That has now been twisted by the left and the media that he called the virus a hoax.

Some people are so gullible.
boardman's Avatar
Catman do you agree with taking sick off cruise ships and putting them on military bases scattered throughout the US?
Don’t you think it would have been a better to put them in one place, oh I don’t know... like Seattle where the first cases presented.
Or at a minimum lock the bases down?
Hmmmmmm Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac

I think there is a lot more to forcing an American Citizen into quarantine that people realize. I think getting them back on US soil as quickly as humanly possible was the right thing to do. Were there better places? A base in Seattle perhaps. I'm not aware of a significant base in Seattle but maybe. A VA hospital? What happens to all the Vets who need those services?

The Feds can't just go commandeer an old folks home, a hotel or a hospital and drop some people off and tell them to stay there under threat of penalty. The constitution doesn't allow either. Take a look at the five or six page document that had to be prepared for each of those people who were put in quarantine. It's a court order that basically has to spell out, in detail, the who, what, when, WHERE, and also has to spell out for how long. Without that it is unconstitutional at any level. Even with it the constitutionality can be debated but there are provisions of the constitution which are cited in the order that claim it to be for the health and security of the country. We'll see if anyone challenges that i guess.

Decisions had to be made quickly. Short of a 500 room hotel in Seattle offering up their entire facility for those needing to be quarantined, the Fed's next best choice was to put them on military bases. They had to scatter them because no one single base could handle quarantining them (meaning keep them separated from base personnel and each other) and maintain operations. They had to choose bases that had facilities that could accommodate those being quarantined and still be able to operate as a military installation.
Your wasting you breath cat daddy to people who have a closed mind and can't think for themselves. They will always be here. They are like cockroaches.
boardman's Avatar
Your wasting you breath cat daddy to people who have a closed mind and can't think for themselves. They will always be here. They are like cockroaches. Originally Posted by tbone2u

You're right but it makes ME feel better and we all know who this SHMB is about...