Had a meeting with a guy from p411. Registered and everything. But no okays or reviews. I'm 98% sure he's a human trafficker. What info can I post in alerts about him? I have his p411 handle and phone number
He got peppersprayed to the face. So I doubt he'll be contacting me again. But I know not every girl grew up with brothers and is comfortable fighting back. I want to make sure no one else goes anywhere near him
Thanks hun. I posted about it in the alerts thread so girls can contact me if they want his info, just to be safe. The only info I did give was that it came from a Mexican phone number.
WTF??? Kudos to you for putting that dirtbag in his place!
I've suggested that preparedness and course of action to a couple other providers. I just never thought that it would be for THAT reason. Shitbags are everywhere these days.