:Have you ever gotten a vibe or hunch? Maybe she's a provider.

carkido45's Avatar
I'm sitting down in my truck having some lunch and I'm parked in a residential area of memorial and a car pulls up and a guy gets out and walks over to another car and stunning latina gets out high heel boots and mini-skirt awesome legs sexy walk.
I have seen her before get out of a cab in the same neighborhood similar sexy attire.
I just get that vibe or hunch it's almost like a sixth sense anybody else get that vibe.
bigbadbill969's Avatar
I do that all the time. I will even see a sexy young thing in a mall or other civilian place and wonder if she provides or think to myself how well she could do as a provider. Has the hobby warped me? Should I see these girls as just attractive and young enough to be my daughters?.....Bill
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I try to guess their price range.

$, $$, $$$, $$$$
carkido45's Avatar
This young lady's donation I'd figure around $$ to $$$.
I went to a very upscale nightclub in River Oaks recently and know for a fact that I saw two providers. I totally picked up on it because of their look and the guy they were with. It was so obvious to me although my civilian girl friends were completely oblivious One of the girls kept looking at me as if to say, "Dont look at my client, hes MINE!!"
Wayward's Avatar
LOL my vanilla friends always point and ask; Hooker, Stripper or Mistress?

Why do they always expect me to know. I answer as indicated, Spa girl, FSBM, Cash & Dash, civilian so far, Weekend provider...

Find a hot mess anywhere, walk up and ask if $500 would get them in a hotel room? They either slap you or smile. If their cheeks flush and they move closer, take them shoe shopping and out to dinner.
carkido45's Avatar
The funny thing though, there have been provider who I have seen, that had I met them outside the hobby I would have never thought they were providers
  • pyro
  • 02-21-2010, 06:21 PM
those the ones i find most enjoyable. they show up in business attire and it only gets better from there. the upside is they know how to handle their business without attracting unwanted attention...
Sisyphus's Avatar
Find a hot mess anywhere, walk up and ask if $500 would get them in a hotel room? They either slap you or smile. If their cheeks flush and they move closer, take them shoe shopping and out to dinner. Originally Posted by Wayward
As always... the Padre has a way(ward) of getting to the heart of the matter.

One year in college, I had a roommate with a brother at the Naval Academy. He always cracked me up when he came to visit for our frat parties. The guy would walk right up to a group of young ladies & say....

"So....ladies.... who wants to fuck???"

Inevitably, the responses would be...

Girl # 1: No way!!
Girl # 2: You're gross!
Girl # 3: Get lost!!!
Girl # 4: Well... yeah!!!

And off they'd go.

Here's to Girl # 4!!
I always see hot young girls out with older guys and think that they are probably providers. Its sooo common in houston! u see it at the mall, restaurants, bars, everwhere!
Wayward's Avatar
They are all our nieces! Don't tell anyone.
Sisyphus's Avatar
They are all our nieces! Don't tell anyone. Originally Posted by Wayward
SSShhhhhh! Damnit, man. MUST you give away everything....
  • Chloe
  • 02-22-2010, 02:54 AM
I spotted a provider:I was staying in DC doing an incall. Before I went to the area I browsed to see who else was available in that area, just for fun. I go to eat lunch in a bar/grill down stairs in the hotel. I looked around, all business guys and 2 random smoking hot young women sitting alone. I went over and sat near the one with extra large breasts that I was pretty sure I remembered off one of the sites and I said to her "So how's business going today?"
Suspicions confirmed and due to my confident remark she quickly led into exactly how business was going after a smirk lol.

Client spotted me: Incall in VA, down at the bar for a late night drink before bed. Always meeting people I come up with some random reason why I am out there during conversations. Met a gentleman, saw him the next night there. After a few drinks and conversation he asks me to go back to his room. And I give him this look confused look (mind you I am always dressed in non revealing business casual attire) and he says "You had me totally fooled until I hopped online last night to check out the local girls and, there you were . . . just name your price." lol
boardman's Avatar
I try to guess their price range.

$, $$, $$$, $$$$ Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
I try to guess the price range on the ones I know are NOT providers.
How about taking this a step further...

You see someone who you think might/could/should be a provider. Is there a safe way to "proposition her", or to plant the idea in her head and see if she might be agreeable?