George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States

Still grabbing asses in his 90's. He didn't live long after the Mrs. passed. RIP. I don't necessarily follow the party lines...but much respect to he and Barbara for a long term committed relationship. Probably a few books will surface that he wasn't any different than any of us. SHE had an incredible sense of humor. If you can laugh with your partner, it's a great thing.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The last Republican President for whom I had any respect. At least you were confident he had the best interest of the country at heart, even if you thought he was often wrong about how to pursue it. I can’t say as I had that impression with his son or the current turd we have in office.
Still grabbing asses in his 90's. He didn't live long after the Mrs. passed. RIP. I don't necessarily follow the party lines...but much respect to he and Barbara for a long term committed relationship. Probably a few books will surface that he wasn't any different than any of us. SHE had an incredible sense of humor. If you can laugh with your partner, it's a great thing. Originally Posted by alaine

Lurker Above & Below's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
Still grabbing asses in his 90's. Originally Posted by alaine
yeah, not the best near-final memories a guy could generate.. "David cop-a-feel"? that is almost as hilarious as it is pathetic.

The last Republican President for whom I had any respect. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I thought it said a lot, 2 years ago, when I saw Streisand in Houston, and she called out the Bushes (in the audience) from the stage, bestowing great accolades upon them. if Streisand, perhaps the most notable "flaming liberal" in Entertainment would do that, it says a lot about GHW and his old lady.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 12-01-2018, 10:01 AM
The last Republican President for whom I had any respect. At least you were confident he had the best interest of the country at heart, even if you thought he was often wrong about how to pursue it. I can’t say as I had that impression with his son or the current turd we have in office. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Interesting. Prior to our current President, I thought GHW Bush was the worst President we've had this century. Yes, worse than Carter.

GW Bush brought a little bit of frat-boy style disrespect to the White House, but he surrounded himself with a decent cabinet and did much better than his father, IMO.

I don't know how history will look at Trump, but I don't know how anyone can think he's not the worst President this country has ever had. I like a lot of the things that he's making happen, but he's a disgrace.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
The last Republican President for whom I had any respect. At least you were confident he had the best interest of the country at heart, even if you thought he was often wrong about how to pursue it. I can’t say as I had that impression with his son or the current turd we have in office. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I would have to say the last Republican President I respected for the whole term in office.
I voted for his son but lost the respect for him before he left. I can respect the son now.

I don't think i'll ever respect Trump. He doesn't hold a light to GHWB. At least he was smart enough to praise him on hearing of his passing.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
He was the only Republican I ever voted for.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-02-2018, 12:02 PM
I'll take any bush in office over the clown that's there now
  • MRMR
  • 12-02-2018, 08:00 PM
Best Wishes and God Bless his Family at this time.
I feel like he was a really Good Man.

Interesting how he and Clinton became good Friends (And Did Good for those in need with out Political Bickering).
That is how it should be. Just my .02
TexTushHog's Avatar
An article that provices balance to some of the enconiums about the elder Bush. A pretty accurate assessment.
A consumate criminal on a level most will never cromprehend. From child trafficking, to drug trafficking, to fomenting the new tyranny upon the USA with the help of his equally evil spawn. He was not a good man, not a friend to the average American.
luv2luv's Avatar
Now there’s some serious paranoia.
TexTushHog's Avatar
More balanced reporting as the bloom wears off.