Shit like this just destroys my faith in humanity (Warning: contains Graphic photos) !!

CG2014's Avatar
Dumbshit lady dragging her dog behind her electric scooter - down a public street and then smiles at people who take pictures of her holding the poor dog with all paws bloody!!

This country is full of fucking retards!!

Makes me want to grab the woman in the video and ask her:

What the Fuck is wrong with you?

What is your Major Malfunction, Numbnuts?

Then people wonder why in almost every sci-fi movie involving Aliens (Extra-Terrestrial - not the Aliens from South of the U.S. borders), they want to exterminate the entire human race.

Maybe we deserve to be destroyed Independence Day War Of The World style:

after all, compared to any beings that have mastered the technology to travel through the universe, we must look uncivilized and primitive to them.
Makes me want to put that crazy bitch behind my jeep and drag her on 635.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Can't fix stupid , some people just need to be takin behind the wood shed
Precious_b's Avatar
rex, this isn't even on the level of stupid.
Chung Tran's Avatar
that is shocking.. big smile, totally oblivious.. at least I hope she is.. criminal charges need to be filed.
  • dgc92
  • 01-08-2019, 04:12 PM
Okay, let's all take a step back. Clearly she thought the dog would just run along beside the scooter. It didn't, its feet got hurt, so she carried it home. Stupid? Kind of. Should have tried that at a lower speed first. I get that nobody likes seeing a dog hurt, but Jesus, people. Tone it down. Obviously she wasn't TRYING to hurt it, and the idea wasn't even all that stupid.

I think the pic where she's smiling is more from embarrassment than happiness. Something like "Shit, this didn't work out at all, but he's fine, I'll fix this, everything's cool."

Again, I get that nobody likes seeing a dog hurt. But letting the dog run beside the scooter wasn't an awful idea. I'd suspect what happened is the scooter scared him and he threw his brakes on and slid behind it a while. It's entirely possible he ran behind it just fine for a while before he did that.

Everybody take a chill pill, is my point.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck no! This bitch should be drug in a briar patch and rubbed with salt and forced to take a scolding shower! No excuses for this miserable bitch.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Everybody take a chill pill, is my point. Originally Posted by dgc92
I entertained this idea before posting, and it didn't wash.. that Bitch was going fast! no way could a dog keep up, although I believe the dog may have been, earlier in the "ride".

I don't think an "oops grin" gets her a pass.. criminal mischief charge, at least.
This idot did this on purpose sole intention. If that was me accident or no accident i wouldnt be smiling with my bleeding dog in my arms. I would have tears running down my face
CG2014's Avatar
I had a neighbor in the 80's that had a little dog.

She was always yelling at it.

Every time she takes him out for a walk, several times a day, and this was before leash laws, so he would be running loose without a leash, she would yell at him:

Get back here NOW!! where are you going? Get back here NOW!!

Then when he runs back to her, she would slap him hard on his body open palm down:

GET! GET in the house! Bad Dog! Get in the house!

When you slap a dog open palm, it makes a distinguish loud noise and I could hear it all the way from inside my home.

One day I had enough and I went outside and I confronted her and I told her:

maybe if you had it on a long leash like you are supposed to do, then he won't run off on you, have you ever thought of that?

"If it can't run off, then you won't have to constantly yell at him to come back to you and once it does, you won't have to smack him.

Regardless of what he does or doesn't do, you shouldn't be smacking him anyway anyhow.

He is a dog. He is doing exactly what a dog does when you let him outside.

Also if you hate him so much and are so impatient with him, why did you even get him?

Take him back to the pet shelter and let a family that will truly love him adopt him.

Look at that dog's point of view! He isin your house 24/7 and 4-5 times a day you let him out for not even 10 minutes.

If you were locked up in a home 24/7 like you did it to him, you would be running loose those 4-5 10 minutes period of the day when you are let out, wouldn't you?

After that, I never heard her yelling at her dog or smacking it again.

Just like there are a lot of folks who have no business having children and raising children and trying to care for them, there are also a lot of folks who have no business having pets and have no clues whatsoever nor the patience to take care of them.
maybe we put dgc92 behind tara's jeep, but tara, go slow...see how long dgc92 lasts...then we take a chill pill.

Punishment should fit the crime.
CG2014's Avatar
Looks like they've found her but they won't release her name due to the numerous death threats she has received.

Where does the line to kill her begins at?

Let's start forming a line:
winn dixie's Avatar
maybe we put dgc92 behind tara's jeep, but tara, go slow...see how long dgc92 lasts...then we take a chill pill.

Punishment should fit the crime. Originally Posted by OldGuyInRichardson
Looks like the found her but they won't release her name due to the numerous death threats she has received.

Where does the line to kill her begins at? Originally Posted by CG2014

IMO The line should begin behind Tara's jeep!!!
Well said
CG2014's Avatar
Can't fix stupid , some people just need to be takin behind the wood shed Originally Posted by rexdutchman
rex, this isn't even on the level of stupid. Originally Posted by Precious_b
This is on the level of EVIL.

For her to smile while her dog is suffering and hurt from being dragged and its paws are all bloody, that's a fucking evil woman right there!