If this makes you sick to your stomach ----

---- that's good cuz it means you were not already sick in the head.

Please see this post in another area: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=442348

The story gets MUCH MUCH worse.

I know i cannot post a link nor the text of the articles that can be found in the on -line or paper editions of today's World Herald and Lincoln Journal Star. We post alerts on these boards about LE, but when I see stories like this, I am thankful that methods exists to stop and punish such despicable acts.

Ladies, I hope and pray that if you read the articles, you don't recognize any clients.
I have no words. I can't even think of a suitably horrible punishment.

At least someone had the guts to speak up and get these kids out of the situation.
where can you find there pics? The men that were arrested.
You could try the Kearney newspaper, or the Lincoln Journal Start.

I agree, that is a pretty sad and sick story. That poor girl is going to have a really tough time to straightening her life out.
I found them! ALSO the mother! OMG how disturbing is that! wow. TO even THINK of a thought like that is HORRIBLE!
I saw this earlier today. I wanted to throw up. I don't think I have ever seen anything that disgusted me more.
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Osolomio's Avatar
And yet, it happens every day everywhere in the world. People travel thousands of miles in and out of the country. They have blogs like this...with millions of members.They exist in every strata. Male and female. Rich and poor. Social, political, religious elites and the ones at the other end...and all through the middle.

I have tried to be a non - violent person all of my life. Yet this, this bringing physical. emotional, psychological, psychic, and social harm with a lifetime of pain and sorrow to helpless, trusting, loving innocents, this tests me.