What do you think?

I've got a question I'd like to run by the ladies...an unfortunate situation that I'd like to learn from. Fellas - your input is welcome (hell, your input has allowed me some measure of entertainment with all of the shared learning presented here) but it's the ladies who run this so it's their opinion's I'm most interested in hearing.

I have a somewhat sordid history with a well known, well established and legendary provider on this board. She is, in my opinion, a great representation of what sexy is. I myself am a very busy professional (like us all), but I'm on 24/7 call with my employer. When they say jump I jump. Just the way it is....my family needs it to be that way without going into more detail. I have cancelled on said provider on multiple occasions due to this...sometimes at the last minute. I have, however, taken care of my obligation in regards to a gift in part, or most recently in full. It's the most recent instance that I'm curious about.

Met this young goddess at the incall (she was running late). Started with small talk...she wanted a smoke and as a cigar lover I understand. Received a call from the job and had to leave pronto. Gave her my gift and while walking me out she suggested that I provide the other half upon reschedule. I asked if the gift had changed, she asked how much I gave, informed her I gave the entire gift. She was pleasantly surprised and we said goodbye. A few hours later I called explaining my departure in case I offended or startled her. She asked if I was coming back, I informed her I was too busy but hoped to see her soon.

Called again, 2-3 weeks later but within the same month, asked if we could hang out. She gave me her schedule. Called next morning and asked if I could see her during her morning opening. She said cool. Texted before headed out to confirm that this was a reschedule or was another gift needed...yes a new gift was needed because she canceled a spa appt. to meet me. Informed her if that was the case I'd have to cancel...was a little surprised at her answer. Maybe I shouldn't have been....business is business. Ladies - should I have been surprised or is this where customer service comes in. I'm a decent, safe, drama free guy who values customer service. If it's good you have a customer/client who is loyal....if not then my corporate salary can be used elsewhere; I'm very hygenic....been complimented on that on a regular basis. Wouldn't these qualities make you want to keep me as a client. Granted I may visit only 6-10 times in a calendar year....but money is money right...especially if it's safe money.

Fellas - yeah I admit this may have been stupid but easy going is my nature. I understand fully how some guys on here are deemed assholes, but in reality some of their reputations are just biproducts of a bad experience. I believe the replies given to my situation stated above will determine which one I turn into. White Knight or Asshole....if it's the latter then I'm out. Thanks for all the information and advice. I truly believe it's people like Soulman, Carkido, Civil, Maul and others who have kept me out of trouble. Beyond that only God can judge me. Thanks and everyone please be safe....

DickEm...sometimes I wonder if we're brothers from another mother when I read your post...LOL. Take care brah!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think you did what you felt was right and wanted her to treat you the way you treated her. Since she runs her business a bit differently and you don't feel she is doing that then you should move on to one that does. Communication is key though, I may have missed it but did you explain to her that if you have to leave that while you will pay the full amount at that time you would appreciate being able to reschedule? If so and she agreed then she backed out and is wrong for doing so. If you didn't then shd is just doing what she normally does and you just have to accept it and move on to a provider that understands and treats you the way you want to be treated...
Appreciate the response....no I did not state that clearly but assumed it when she stated the other half could be given at our reschedule. I figured if half now half later then my move to deliver the entire gift would be seen as a nice gesture...I hate to say it was money for nothing when I was the one that had to leave but it would've been nice to see some trust and customer service come through. Thanks again.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Understandable.... We all want others to treat us the way we treat them. When that doesn't happen then best thing for us to do is find someone else who does....
If that had been one of my "regular" guys... I would not have even taken the donation. You were not there long.
Just my opinion..but we all do things different.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
She owes you a session. Plain and simple. Perhaps you should've given her a portion of the donation for having to leave abruptly. But still, being so loyal and "safe" she runs the risk of losing a regular client.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-27-2012, 11:27 AM
When you give cash to the chick its gone. There are no coochie coupons for sale to be used at a later date. Sorry but you should've expected this. I will give you the girls justification for it. She was there ready and willing, money passed hands, at this point you are ready to gain full access for one hour. However you made the choice to go to work so that's your own problem. Is it right? Eh. But hell there ain't a BBB for hookers to really complain to, at least not one that can do shit about it. I'm sure she was happy to get all that free cash though.
boardman's Avatar
What trey said...
You gave her money and that deal was done whether you fucked or not, whether you are a nice guy or not. Hooktards have a short memory.
I would have considered any other outcome to be the exception. That's just the way it is.
carkido45's Avatar
I think it's just time to move on .
Too many hottys here... just think of the fun you will have with the new hotty but explain your situation first and let her know that things may happen but at least be willing to compensate her with half.
She could have possibly scheduled with somebody else and collected her full donation but she chose you.
She didn't twist your arm into paying the full donation? you gave it to her of your own free will.
P4P remember that
I guess the amount of times you have had to cancel, at the last minute or near appt. time, is part of the issue as well. I know that I would have to factor that in if I were her. I am in a similar situation professionally and have had to make some cancellations, but this does seem extreme since its always the same lady. I guess if I'm her, every time you call, she is going to wonder if you'll make it or not. May be better for you oth to move on.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Considering he always pays whether he cancels or not should make things kinda a wash.... I would think....
Yowzer's Avatar
I think it brings up a good question about "cancellation fees". Do providers expect one? Perhaps not with a good regular. But if you wasted time more than once from a client, wouldn't you want some consolation money?

I certainly don't think the full price of the session should be the cancellation fee. Like the other guys said, no ones going to "owe" you pussy. On the other hand, a good provider often "makes up" in some way her having to cancel on a client.

In your case, the only thing, besides walking away, would to respond with asking for an extended time for the same old price. Granted you said you are a busy guy and might not have time for multihours. She would still have the $ for the session and hopefully she can love-you-long-time.
She owes you a session. Plain and simple. Perhaps you should've given her a portion of the donation for having to leave abruptly. But still, being so loyal and "safe" she runs the risk of losing a regular client. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
My thoughts exactly. If a client paid me in advance like that he would move to the top of my list.
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like his cancelling is a regular occurrence, so she owes him nothing. But if she wants to toss him a heavily discounted session or a makeup that is her option.