Anyone seen her?

dwill5569's Avatar
She is definitely hot and I know she is real cause I’ve seen her Facebook but no reviews.
  • V31L
  • 06-28-2024, 09:42 PM
hopefully someone reviews
I was in contact with her but she had to cancel
Plans for some reason. I’ve yet to try again.
  • V31L
  • 06-29-2024, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the info, i have no interest in a BF/Pimp environment. Have seen that scenario go bad to many times.
Once again, another provider who refuses to see black men because she has a black man. How jealous and insecure are they? Just ask OJ.
I've seen her a couple times. We've had a blast. 2nd time she pushed our date about 45 min but was upfront about the delay. No evidence of a guy being in the room and I know what to look for. She can be hard to get a hold of but I know that going in for all the girls. I'm probably going to end.uo seeing her for as long as we keep having this much fun.
dwill5569's Avatar
Yeah I saw that. Some will if you can have a conversation with them. If you remember Eeve, she said no black guys but she likes black guys and would see you if don't seem like an asshole. They don't wanna see the "thug" types because of bad experiences in the past. I've heard it a few times lol.