Slowest times for the girls?

I have a question for some of the great providers here in our market.
I know their are multiple viewpoints here but wanting to learn more about your side of the profession to help me be a better client?

Girls what are the slowest times of the year for you?

What time of the year is the busiest?

How often do you say seeing a client makes him a regular?

I was told by a touring girl that here in Kc they can charge more here that some bigger markets due to that true?

What % of providers would you say have SO's?

What % of Clients would you say have SO's?

what % of providers end up dating their clients or vice versa in the real world?

In terms of being a good client whats the most important thing you look for? You have the ability as a provider to say I wont see him again? What turns you off and on??

Guys for us mostly its looks and services but what else brings us back??

Sorry I had some time on my hands and reflecting this hobby Ive gotten myself into and just wanna hear thoughts from the veterans!!
cant think of anymore ??'s right now....this maybe a stupid post so if you dont like it go back to watching Seinfeld!
Becoming a better client doesn't depend on the answers to these questions. It depends on you, how you treat people and not take advantage of any providers.

The answers you seek are all going to be different.

I don't care if a provider has a SO because its none of my business.

I don't care if a client as a SO because its none of my business. The only thing I care about is that he's smart when he hobby's and doesn't get me put into a situation with his wife.

As for the touring rates....I can only speak for myself, but my rates don't change much when I tour because I'm not going to take advantage of the hobbyists. I find that the guys who visit me when I tour usually tip me very well because I've taken the time to visit their city or I've made special arrangements to visit them.

Becoming a regular.........I have guys who only visit me 4 times a year, but I consider them regulars because that's all they can afford to do. I have guys who visit me twice a week. It just depends.
Thanks Ms Elena I appreciate your thoughts...yes some of these ?? probrably dont apply to being the best client...the fact that you dont care is fine...what do you think the %'s are or do you even ask?
I don't ask because its none of my business. Discretion is one of the main keys to the hobby being successful. But, my clients have usually been upfront in telling me that they're married.

Some things are better left unsaid or unknown.
6ULDV8's Avatar
Looking forward to the book
To answer some of your questions, I don't think there really is a designated "slow" time of year, it just depends on who wants to see you and when. Sometimes I'm booked solid for weeks, sometimes I won't be able to adequately screen potential clients for a week straight due to lack of references etc. and will be feeling the pinch. LOL.

I think if you see someone on a regular basis, be it weekly or monthly or every other week or month or whatever, that puts him in the category of regular.

When I go out of town for business, my rates stay the same. Not that I travel often by any stretch of the imagination, I love it here with you guys.

As far as what I look for in a client, there are different things I enjoy from different people. Some are witty and intelligent, some are strong and silent, some are shy and let me take control, others are more dominant but never in a scary or rude way. I don't really "look" for certain things in a client. It's up to him whether or not I meet his standards so that he can decide whether he would like to see me again.
ss4699's Avatar
Questions like these might get more answers if done in a survey format where the ladies don't give up personal information. Polls are available but the question range here is large for itemed responses.
agreed next time i will work up a powerpoint presentation amd send out questionaires................. lol
ss4699's Avatar
agreed next time i will work up a powerpoint presentation amd send out questionaires................. lol Originally Posted by bigdeal
I see the problem in 2 lights.
The polls here are singular - no open answer option. It will not work with this format.
If a lady submits answers in a post, it may reveal more than they prefer to say in public.
So if the pm - it still gives you specific data about them.

Perhaps the ladies could do something in the Ladies Room so the data would not be exposed to the general population?
ss4699's Avatar
Not quite the same but a similar poll from 2006
JRLawrence's Avatar
I don't ask because its none of my business. Discretion is one of the main keys to the hobby being successful. But, my clients have usually been upfront in telling me that they're married.

Some things are better left unsaid or unknown. Originally Posted by MsElena

I find myself in total agreement with MsElena. Some of the questions asked are none of anyone's business, unless they are trying to write a book or gather information for their files; one should understand that LE build files and gathers information.

Every instance that they can tie to you, and every reference or contact with you is recorded. Every hunch or opinion about you that they police may have about you is filed. If may not be allowed in court, but it is in your file.

So, the meetings that are scheduled here are known; you can be sure that if your car is known to be present, the license numbers and the car owner's name have been linked to the meeting.

"Some things are better left unsaid or unknown."