
As many of you already know I've been outed in the New Orleans/Baton Rouge area!! Now it's time for me to tell my side of the story, this is long in order to get the complete story out, please be patient:

About two years ago, my SO had a MySpace page. He unknowingly allowed people to find his page by searching his hobby email address. My personal MySpace page was listed as one of his friends, in addition to several other ladies. Bodilly found this page and recognized me out of all the ladies on my SO’s profile . At this time I did not have my profile restricted to who could see the pics, shame on me. However, it had to be someone who had seen me - to pick me out of all the other ladies - since my face has never been shown in Shelby pics (for the purpose of discretion) until this past Thursday night.

Once Bodilly, (after having a session with me) found my SO's page and followed the link to My personal page, he obtained my first and last name which displayed pictures of me. Bodilly told rpmsouth about it (outing me to RPM, who I've never been in contact with) and at this time RPM let us know about it. RPM also sent an email saying not to worry because he couldn’t get into the profile because it had been secured and therefore he couldn't see mine. I also removed my SO from my myspace account at this time.

After this point, someone who had access to my first and last name (from the old myspace account) shared that information with other providers and guys or downloaded the pics that were only obtained using my first and last name and emailed them out (or as Chella puts it "passed it around"). My real world first and last name had to be used at this point because that was the only way to access my accounts.

We were made aware, my information had been sent out (First and last name and pictures of me and my child), only very recently by another provider, who stated, "Chella had sent emails with my pics of me and my children (I actually only have one), with my real name." My old myspace account never had pictures of me with my family. However, my facebook account did (which was never linked to my SO nor anyone hobby related from day one)

If Chella was not actually the one who did it and I was given false information by the other provider (who PM'd me my full real-life first and last name) then I do apologize to her for the accusations. However, this is not the only reason she’s been banned and I do not take responsibility for her banning!!! I do know for a fact, and he’s even admitted it, that Bodilly DID share my personal information with others. He’s only denied “who” he shared it with, NOT "IF" he shared it. As you see in Chella's post she admits to it being sent to her by someone.

However, according to Chella’s own post of her side of the story: “her social page, which was linked to her boyfriends open page, had been passed around by many of the guys of NOLA,(you know who you are) to many others, providers included." This leaves a very poor taste in my mouth, to know that the guys and girls of New Orleans/Baton Rouge, apparently feel this is acceptable!!!! Stop and consider....... if someone stumbled upon your private real-world information and decided to share it with others you would be furious. Most, if not all of you, would be screaming that you had been outed!!!! Since it appears that many people believe this type of behavior is acceptable I am having to rethink visiting the New Orleans/Baton Rouge area in the future.

Finally, our relationship has never been hidden, only kept off the boards....until recently!!! We know people know and we have no problem with that. However, we've only asked that it be kept off the boards because it has nothing to do with our hobby worlds. Most people have respected that.....two did not!!! Up until now there hasn't been any board DRAMA concerning our relationship, at least not that I have been aware of. We keep our hobby worlds separate from our personal world, as do the rest of you. We would appreciate it if you'd allow us to keep it this way!!!!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Due to the recent controversy surrounding accusations between members of this board, the opportunity to answer those accusations were given to the two parties involved.

You can read the rebuttal to this post at this link:


This topic is considered closed by agreement of both parties involved.


Lea Madisson and CausewayCommuter.