Just a little fun

Women come in so many shapes and sizes and varities , I always wonder what is the biggest turn on for a man.

Let's all be real and not say PERSONALITY -- I am talking about initial attraction , when you see someone walking towards you and you just can't help but stare because she has such a nice ....

I personally , obviously am not a man , but I find the most attractive and invigorating thing about a woman is her smile and eyes , or a combination of both.
Also a nice set of legs!

So what do you think?

Ladies feel free to post a picture of your best assett to show these gentlemen

Face and complimentary coffieur
My legs....

livn2do's Avatar
Most attractive thing on a woman. That would ME

Ok, ok. Her ass, then her eyes. But lets also not be so superficial. After the initial attraction if she has a doorknob of a personality and no mind at all and if that is important to you which it is for me, the looks fly out the window pretty quickly.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Her brain and personality
thisguy23's Avatar
What I find the most attractive about a girl is when she says yes before and after my name over and over again. After that it would be her hair and smile.
...but I find the most attractive and invigorating thing about a woman is her smile and eyes , or a combination of both. Originally Posted by Kaleigh Monroe
That would be it for me as well...
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 12-11-2012, 06:58 PM
I have read that the first thing men notice is healthy hair, symmetry of body and face, boobs, eyes then teeth. The study did not say that big boobs or little boobs were better, just that men looked.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sometimes we catch ourselves, kidding ourselves.

We tell us ourselves that we have grown past female parts and that now we are only interested in "the total woman".

But are we really?

The next time a woman catches your attention, stop and ask yourself exactly what part of her body you were licking your chops over.

I will confess that for me, it's legs.

. . . And if as an added bonus she really knows how to kiss then she has me roped!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sure, that' it!

. . . Thank you for your sincere observations, Joe Izzoso!

Her brain and personality Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Thank you all for your replies I enjoyed reading them so far

I think I agree with everyone ... without personality , anyones beautiful assetts can turn into *fart noise with thumbs down* but also , we are all human , SOMETHING attracts us and makes us DROOOOL...

I think for me its an even call , some men say my smile and eyes attract them ...

Others say my legs and ass ... who knows!! I guess we just are some lucky mother effers who get to appreciate ALL aspects of a man and woman

My 83 year old mother told me a long time ago that there are ass men , leg men and of course boob men.
that is what a man notices. personally I am a ass man , then eyes hair smile and of course I kinda like that fuck me look
Eyes, smile - all about the face!!
canuckvic's Avatar
Face and hair
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-11-2012, 08:46 PM
You said "not personality", so I'll join the group that says face/eyes/smile. If it's "what first attracts me about a lady when walking in the mall or down the street", that is it.

But if you did allow personality/attitude, that would be the right answer. Almost every lady I've met in this business in the past five years of more first attracted my interest because of what she posted. Yes, looks and other things might later convince me not to see her, but it's the attitude of her posts that causes me to even look at the photos.