Has any gent received a text from www.badboyreport.com?
Check this out:
For you gentlemen who decide to rip off, short change, NCNS, abuse, etc......the bad behavior is noted by any smart provider who uses the DNS/Blacklist sites.
Well, a website has been brought to my attention and its pretty much a shakedown site for the guys who have been put on DNS/Blacklist sites. They're copying reports made by providers on other sites and listing them on their site. But, the kicker is.......they're sending out text messages to you gents who are listed and telling you to go check it out.
This all was brought to my attention yesterday and after having a computer wiz help me investigate, its a shakedown site. They list 5 different sites that can "help you get your info removed" for a fee of course. The fees are outstanding....AND they're all tied together. Those 5 "removal" companies are connected to badboyreport.com.
http://badboyreport.com/ - that is the shakedown site
I'd be a little more careful if I were you gents.