Buyer Beware

I by no means expect anyone here to place any weight in this as I’m sure someone will point out its been all of five years since I’ve posted but I just want to put it out there. I was supposed to see Selina (585-205-8436) yesterday at the no tell motel. I’ve seen her many times with no issue, but yesterday she was a cash and dash.
ben dover's Avatar
So you pre paid?
lilylivered's Avatar
The old, "took the money and out the door she went..."

Thanks for the info
I made more rookie mistakes than I cared for from someone I made to mistake from.
ben dover's Avatar
I get it, you have seen her a bunch, never had an issue so why not? Guilty of the same thing myself last year. Buffalo girl I saw a ton of times. Hell she told me her real name, did photos a couple times and told me so many details of her life it was almost a friend thing. VERY popular here at the time and was in need of an advance for a scheduled date. You guessed it, she No showed me and has pretty much dropped from the scene. Wonder how many she grabbed on her retirement (non) tour?
Like I said…rookie mistakes. A better ole reliable back in the day…Nadia. I saw her exclusively for I don’t know how long at her home. I always put the donation out ahead of time and she never touched it until after the service. No one to blame here but myself…just saying what all of you know.
Like I said…rookie mistakes. A better ole reliable back in the day…Nadia. I saw her exclusively for I don’t know how long at her home. I always put the donation out ahead of time and she never touched it until after the service. No one to blame here but myself…just saying what all of you know. Originally Posted by Sweetlew
When was the last time you saw Nadia
Haven’t seen her in years. Once she got the girlfriend it was too difficult to connect. We couldn’t get together on weekends because worried about girlfriend finding out. And I was an hour away from her and couldn’t get up there during the week with work.out of the blue she contacted me about four years ago but never hooked up. I don’t have a number for her now.