So if you have a pet in the room and you get in trouble?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. Worse case scenario. I'm thinking of traveling with my bird. So what would happen to my little sweet parrot if I were to get in some trouble with law enforcement during a summer trip?

Would they take it and put it in a parrot pie? Would they take it to animal control? What?

Any ideas? Also, this question would apply to dogs and cats as well. What happens to the pet?
tia travels's Avatar
They might try to make the parrot talk....hopefully it won't say...."rubdowns for 200"..."get comfortable"..."set the donation there"...."my what a nice dick you have"..."you're not LE, are you?"
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 05-28-2012, 03:08 PM

  • amora
  • 05-28-2012, 03:40 PM
More than likely they will take him to the COUNTY SPCA
Animal control will pick them up and hopefully you will get out of the pokie before they are put up for adoption...which is usually 3 days.
They would board it at an Animal Control Facility in or near the city where you were arrested. After your case is over you can get it back.
  • Joyce
  • 05-29-2012, 01:34 PM
Cruel to the bird, cruel to you because of the bird and its life and what could happen to it, and cruel to you to ever arrest you....

A bird staying home can equal depression for it with no one around or fear at night, etc....

I always wished I could of taken my cat to the zoo. He'd of loved it. He liked watching 'The Big Cats', I'd say to him, on wild life shows especially when they'd be showing a leopard or other type running stream line about 35 miles an hour...I imagined putting him in a thin wire cage though, to protect him, and wheel him around in a carriage type thing...get him out of the house...experience more out of life....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've had my parrot for 28 years. So I've decided to not take her with me. If it was a road trip to Austin or something short like that, it would be fine.

She travels well. But I couldn't do that to my pet or really even take a chance like that. So she's going to her human grandparents for a few weeks.

She likes it there!

Thanks for the advice, everyone!!!

Good choice EW.

I am an animal lover, but not sure birds fall into that category for me. (I like them, but prefer to see birds in the wild, eagles soaring, my dog working the field to find the birds, etc.)

In general, animals should not be at an incall. Too many people have allergies to cats and dogs. (I am one, despite my love of animals) Not sure where birds fall into the allergy category, but I hate distractions, and a bird could be a distraction.

I wouldn't bring my pet to my office, and an incall is nothing more than an office with a bed, basically. And the drawers have condoms and lube rather than pens and paper. (Of course, I might be afraid to open Elizabeth's drawers, no telling what kind of shocking toy she might have hidden there.)
ShysterJon's Avatar
My advice is: If you do a threesome, hold onto your bird. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • Joyce
  • 05-29-2012, 08:28 PM
Wow, a parrot!, I was picturing a little, yellow, canary at first...that would make an interesting and warm second guest in the room, and conversation piece, and I can see how it'd be homey and kind of neat to have around with guests though too...especially with good people, who most are, and not the real threats...

Does it start yelling too and bob it's head along with you...? ! Ha Ha Ha....!

Elisabeth - but still just clarifying that it would be cruel if anybody terrorized it being taken away with them...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Here is a stock picture of the type of parrot that I have and this picture looks just like her. I've had her since she was a chick and well, if there is "busy-ness" going on, she goes to sleep.

Smile. Good bird!
Attached Images File Type: jpg good image of amazon.jpg (10.6 KB, 340 views)
  • Joyce
  • 05-29-2012, 08:42 PM
She looks beautiful and healthy...

She must like it if it puts her to sleep...really...
Or she's just pretending and keeping to herself or really peeking....hee hee
tia travels's Avatar
...if there is "busy-ness" going on, she goes to sleep.... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Hopefully for you....she's Rip VanWinkle! Maybe you always be busy. May she always be sleeping.
Thats the Yellow Head Amazon Parrot. The Amazon Parrots are the best talkers. I use to keep tropical fish. One of the dealers I would by fish from sold parrots from time to time. He once had a Green Amazon Parrot uncaged pirched near his cash register. The dam thing started saying things like "cash or credit", " Have A Nice Day" , "Thank You" stuff like that, lol. I don't know if he ever sold that Bird, I had moved away. That was the coolest Parrot I've ever seen. They pick up words very easily and quickly. I am afraid to ask what your's says, lol.