
  • Luiss
  • 06-29-2012, 05:06 AM
can a Client be arrested in sex trafficking investigation after week or more has past..
Texasquest's Avatar
  • Luiss
  • 06-29-2012, 07:11 AM
  • Luiss
  • 06-29-2012, 07:12 AM
How, please explain
ck1942's Avatar
"Statute of Limitation" is that portion of a law that prescribes how long LE has to make an arrest and prosecute.... for example, murder and kidnapping usually have ZERO limitations, meaning LE can arrest and prosecute even 30 or more years past the date the crime was committed. Most other criminal laws have something like 3 to 5 to a few more years (past the date of the criminal act) in which arrest and prosecution can occur. Hope that helps.
  • Luiss
  • 06-29-2012, 10:16 AM
Can someone be arrested for entering motel room via video surverillance?
Jannisary's Avatar
Statute of limitations can vary by state but generally misdemeanors have a year with felonies increasing from there.

It is not uncommon at all for weeks or months to go by until someone is indicted. Investigations can take time.
Sounds like you need the piece of mind, or lack of, only a lawyer can give you. Rule number 1 is keep your mouth shut and let your lawyer talk. Look up shysterjon and in his signature line is an article you need to read. If you are going to get arrested get a lawyer and start working on not getting convicted. You get convicted by not following Rule number 1.
You would probably get better answers in the legal help forum. This is for board technical issues/questions. Here is a link to the legal help forum
Let me clarify my previous post as I assumed you used prostitution sting interchangeably for sex trafficking. My assumption probably just made an ASS of me as my opinion is based on a sting not trafficking. (I am currently kicking my ass for replying). If it is sex trafficking I have no advice for you and if you knew it, no sympathy either.
Yes. Trafficking or not I know for a fact if the provider is a minor you can be arrested after the encounter.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-30-2012, 12:06 AM
A legal topic.

Moved to the proper forum.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Some people have the misunderstanding, perhaps from watching TV and movies, that when a crime is committed, the person is always arrested on the spot and the next day there's a trial. Well, real life is seldom like what's depicted on TV and in movies. Often there can be hours, days, weeks, months, even years between a crime and an arrest. Limitations really isn't an issue for our unfortunate OP. If LE has or uncovers evidence implicating him in a sexual trafficking case, he WILL be arrested before limitations runs. btw, sexual trafficking is a felony under both state and federal law.

I'm loathe to speculate about the cause of the delay based on the sketchy facts presented. But I will say DFW has an active, well-organized, multi-jurisdictional task force to make sexual trafficking cases. Such cases often involve multiple defendants, and it would be unsurprising if it took awhile for indictments to be handed down.

I'll echo what the others have written and say that the OP should confer with a qualified criminal defense attorney. He might also read the thread referenced in my sig line regarding keeping one's mouth firmly shut when dealing with LE.
Roothead's Avatar
S-J.... totally off topic I know, but I must compliment you on the beautiful lady that graces you avatar... absolutely stunning
ShysterJon's Avatar
She's a little thing I've been seeing on and off for 4 years. She's 23 years-old now, 5'2", bodybuilder, big, firm ass, and she has an AMAZING 36DD natural rack. These are also recent:

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