
Can you be arrested if you meet a provider (experience full service) and NEVER exchange money?

Would that just be 2 consensual adults?

Thanks in advance
jframe2's Avatar
Under your scenario, why/how would you be arrested? You just got a freebie!

If you mean the provider was working with LEO, then ABSOLUTELY!
As always, depends on the state and a lot of other facts I suspect.

In Texas, ShysterJon frequently explains that you just have to talk about exchanging sex for money, no money need be exchanged. So, if you are talking about setting up a session, but then never actually paying for the sex, that would still be worthy of an arrest.

If two people just decide to get together and have sex, isn't that just a a prelude to marriage?
ShysterJon's Avatar
One other point needs to be made. In Texas, the thing to be exchanged for sex (the "fee") doesn't have to be money. It can be anything of value. I wrote about this issue a few years ago on another board (and my post was, in turn, posted on yet another board):

"What constitutes a 'fee' under the Texas prostitution statute"
jughead1171's Avatar
I wonder then if wedding vows might fall into that category. Of course they would have to be considered something of value