Arrest Risks - How Often Does It Happen to Clients

As a newbie hobbiest, I was curious as to how much risk am I running by obtaining the services of an escort?

Has anyone here been busted?
txgntlmen's Avatar
Always a risk I suppose. But if you play it safe and make sure everything is kosher you should be fine. You just have to always be cautious. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't. Just walk away and plan for another day. It would be nice if the idiot lawmakers would wake up and just make this legal. But alas, probably never meant to be!
just don't play around during election years.
As a newbie hobbiest, I was curious as to how much risk am I running by obtaining the services of an escort?

Has anyone here been busted? Originally Posted by rec_forn2
Once is enough if it happens to you.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I think the question the OP is asking is: How often are hobbyists arrested for prostitution?

No offense, but that question is pretty meaningless. For example, do you mean in the U.S., the State of Kansas (where the OP is from), or in Wichita?
Bigh1955's Avatar
Agree with SJ...yes, hobbyists are certainly arrested...the energy put into this by LE varies widely by location and political expediency
spacejanitor's Avatar
Also, get to know your provider and ask her which other girls are "safe"...while this is a tough business, the girls have their own networks, so, get on their good sides and ask. And remember that works both ways too....recommend your friends to them as well.
Thanks for the advice. Considering that the risk varies state by state it may be better to post this question elsewhere. I do hear about massage parlours being raided and johns being busted while picking up street walkers, but clients of escorts seem a bit safer.

I guess you're always going to be facing some risk with the hobby. The best bet is probably to listen to your instincts. If something isn't right, walk away.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The scary shit now is that with Backpage and all the P4P sites out there, it is pretty easy for LE to set up stings. Just place an ad and let the Johns come to them. Also, all they have to do is read a provider's ad and answer it like a prospective client and bam-- easy collar.

You have to know what you are doing and still you run risks. For guys, it boils down to good research and networking. For providers, it boils down to solid screening and girls gossip.
Juicebox Hero's Avatar
The scary shit now is that with Backpage and all the P4P sites out there, it is pretty easy for LE to set up stings. Just place an ad and let the Johns come to them. Also, all they have to do is read a provider's ad and answer it like a prospective client and bam-- easy collar.

You have to know what you are doing and still you run risks. For guys, it boils down to good research and networking. For providers, it boils down to solid screening and girls gossip. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Dito what was said above. Also search Newbie advice and look at the stickys in the security section. There is a lot of good advice there about being safe. That coupled with the following advice should sooth your jitters: 1. Think about the worst thing that could happen in a given situation. 2. accept it as fact 3. perpare in advance how to mitigate the risks or turn lemons into lemonade. Good luck.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Considering that the risk varies state by state it may be better to post this question elsewhere. Originally Posted by rec_forn2
I wouldn't necessarily advise posting in a public forum where you hobby something like, "How often do you johns and hookers get arrested here in Mayberry?" You never know who the fuck may post an answer. It could be some fatass donut-eater who writes, "Hell, no, man! Mayberry is lenient regarding prostitution." The better approach, it seems to me, would be to write privately to a well-established member in your community. Better yet, write him and offer to buy him a drink. Then ask your questions in person.