Tom Coburn of Oklahoma revealed a budget plan that would cut $9 trillion over ten years

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  • 07-19-2011, 11:00 AM
and Grover Norquist has already came out aganist it!
Well I Googled it, and the article I came up with said he will propose a $9 trillion reduction package. It didn’t say that he has dropped the budget legislation into the hopper. I’m all for it. From what the article says it cuts defense, discretionary and entitlement spending. We’ll see. I really don’t see what is so hard about it. Cutting spending equally and raising revenue equally is a very logical equation in my mind.
The House Republicans couldn't possibly agree to tax increases. They would lose all support from the conservative base.
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  • WTF
  • 07-19-2011, 11:46 AM
Well I Googled it, and the article I came up with said he will propose a $9 trillion reduction package. It didn’t say that he has dropped the budget legislation into the hopper. I’m all for it. From what the article says it cuts defense, discretionary and entitlement spending. We’ll see. I really don’t see what is so hard about it. Cutting spending equally and raising revenue equally is a very logical equation in my mind. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
He is not proposing to raise taxes and cut spending equally.

He is proposing raising 1 trillion in new taxes and 8 trillion in cuts.

Grover Norquist types can not even live with that.

They think any raising of taxes is wrong and will not support any proposal that includes that fact.

They actually think closing the corn subsidy as a tax increase.

Do you see how far right the Tea Party types are?
The Tea Party is in general agreement - as Obama said in 2009 - that to raise taxes during a recession would hurt the economy.

They favor a serious debt reduction program by cutting spending. Then a comprehensive over haul of the tax code once Washington has demonstrated that they have reigned in spending. That would include getting rid of government subsidies including agriculture.

A very sensible approach to the problem.
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  • 07-19-2011, 11:56 AM
The House Republicans couldn't possibly agree to tax increases. They would lose all support from the conservative base. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Then the conservative base does not give a fuc about deficit reduction and should be marginalized from the table.

The GOP leaders need to quit playing to this ignorant mass and educate them in the ways of finance.
The House Republicans couldn't possibly agree to tax increases. They would lose all support from the conservative base. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

At some point our politicians need to put the needs of the country above their need to get re-elected. They are elected to do conduct the business of running the country not there to run the country into the ground.

WTF, it's not just the Tea Baggers. It's ALL politicians - from the dog catcher to the POTUS. Every last fucking one of them. It's just that the bigger the office the bigger the stakes are. It's OUR country, not theirs.
This a republic NOT an oligarchy.
Give that advice to the Slacker In Chief. The Tea Party is just agreeing with what Obama has prevously said...."don't raise taxes in a recession and don't increase the debt ceiling....."

At some point our politicians need to put the needs of the country above their need to get re-elected. They are elected to do conduct the business of running the country not there to run the country into the ground.

WTF, it's not just the Tea Baggers. It's ALL politicians - from the dog catcher to the POTUS. Every last fucking one of them. It's just that the bigger the office the bigger the stakes are. It's OUR country, not theirs. This a republic NOT an oligarchy. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
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  • 07-19-2011, 12:00 PM
The Tea Party is in general agreement - as Obama said in 2009 - that to raise taxes during a recession would hurt the economy.

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are ignorant on this tax issue. The Tea Party never wants to raise taxes.

They do not want to cut military spending and they do not want to cut Medicare.

What they want is impossible.

They want something for nothing.

I support them in theory but they have to be willing to join in on the pain. Until then you and others like you just talk a good game to those that do not have a clue.

We need to both raise taxes and cut spending. Cutting spending means Medicade, which means granny is not going to like it. When Obama tried this you screamed 'Death Panels', when Ryan tried it, the Dems cried Senior cuts.

You Tea Folks don't know whether to shit or go blind.

You want government cuts until you realize that government cuts mean cuts to your benifits.

Not paying attention in Government Class is coming back to haunt ya'll!

You are ignorant on this tax issue. The Tea Party never wants to raise taxes. Wrong.

They do not want to cut military spending Wrong. They support spending cuts in all departments. and they do not want to cut Medicare. Wrong.

What they want is impossible. Wrong.

They want something for nothing. Wrong.

I support them in theory but they have to be willing to join in on the pain. Until then you and others like you just talk a good game to those that do not have a clue.

We need to both raise taxes and cut spending. Wrong. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • WTF
  • 07-19-2011, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
You are ignorant on this tax issue. (1) The Tea Party never wants to raise taxes. Wrong.

They do not want to cut military spending Wrong. They support spending cuts in all departments. and they do not want to cut Medicare. Wrong.

What they want is impossible. Wrong.

They want something for nothing. Wrong.

I support them in theory but they have to be willing to join in on the pain. Until then you and others like you just talk a good game to those that do not have a clue.

(2) We need to both raise taxes and cut spending. Wrong.

How can both number 1 and number 2 be wrong. Do you support raising taxes or not?

See what I mean by you not knowing wtf you are talking about?
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  • 07-19-2011, 12:11 PM
Oh look, Marshall stops getting the attention he craves, and Whirlaway shows up.

How convenient.
Originally Posted by WTF
You are ignorant on this tax issue. (1) The Tea Party never wants to raise taxes. Wrong.

They do not want to cut military spending Wrong. They support spending cuts in all departments. and they do not want to cut Medicare. Wrong.

What they want is impossible. Wrong.

They want something for nothing. Wrong.

I support them in theory but they have to be willing to join in on the pain. Until then you and others like you just talk a good game to those that do not have a clue.

(2) We need to both raise taxes and cut spending. Wrong.

How can both number 1 and number 2 be wrong. Do you support raising taxes or not?

See what I mean by you not knowing wtf you are talking about? Originally Posted by WTF
for as long as i been doing bidness wif WTF he's said the same incorrect bull abt the teaparty ppl not wanting to cut all elements of matter how many times he is corrected on that he either ignores it, doesn't understand, can't read, forgets it, has dyslexia, gets befuddled, or chooses to pick
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  • WTF
  • 07-19-2011, 12:26 PM
for as long as i been doing bidness wif WTF he's said the same incorrect bull abt the teaparty ppl not wanting to cut all elements of matter how many times he is corrected on that he either ignores it, doesn't understand, can't read, forgets it, has dyslexia, gets befuddled, or chooses to pick Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Just because you can't read .....I said the Grover Norquist Tea Party. That faction is running the Tea Party, whether you know it or not. You do understand wtf the Norquist Pledge is. Didn't think so

Grover Norquist is President of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), an extreme right-wing anti-government lobbying group. Their radical agenda centers on shifting Wealth Accumulation to the rich and building-up the military-industrial complex. It should be noted that Grover Norquist is also a very wealthy man, so while the Tea Party has embraced the so-called Norquist Pledge of no new taxes and passing themselves off as somehow being "populist," the truth of the matter is - they are not anywhere near being populist!
You are ignorant on this tax issue. The Tea Party never wants to raise taxes.

They do not want to cut military spending and they do not want to cut Medicare.

What they want is impossible.

They want something for nothing.
Originally Posted by WTF

so what wing are you talking about here? some neighbor who you know?