“Do you have a degree in economics?”

http://hotair.com/archives/2011/07/2...-in-economics/ watch the video....stupid commie lib media....HA! HA!HA! HA! HA! HA!

“Do you have a degree in economics?”

posted at 1:30 pm on July 20, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

Matt Lewis flags this must-see moment from MSNBC, admittedly a phrase heard only slightly more often than “the good judgment of Anthony Weiner.” Contessa Brewer gets into an argument over economic policy with Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), and tries to talk him down by snidely asking him whether he has a degree in economics … which, to Brewer’s embarrassment, Brooks does:
Brooks actually has three degrees: political science, economics, and law. As a lawyer, Brooks would have been experienced enough not to make Brewer’s mistake in a cross-examination, which is to ask a question without first knowing the answer. Not only that, but Brewer was being flat-out rude as well as foolish; MSNBC invited Brooks to appear to get his perspective on the issues. If their hosts respond by belittling them (whether it backfires or not), what does that say about MSNBC, its management, and the kind of invitations they make?
Since Brewer made an issue out of having an economics degree before engaging in economics debates, she must have a doctorate in the subject herself, right? Not exactly. According to her Wikipedia entry, Brewer has a baccalaureate in broadcast journalism (magna cum laude). Apparently they didn’t teach interviewing skills at Syracuse, or logic either, as a requisite for the degree.
As it happens, I don’t have a degree in economics (or journalism), either. I think that it’s entirely possible that the 2008 collapse could have triggered a deflationary spiral that would have created a depression instead of a sharp recession absent the interventions in the fall of that year; it’s at least an arguable point. I don’t have an issue with Brewer discussing economics without a degree, except that she doesn’t seem sharp enough to grasp the issues on her own — as demonstrated by demanding a level of expertise for the debate that she herself doesn’t meet.
Just as a good Lawyer will tell you, never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer.
Just as a good Lawyer will tell you, never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She knew the answer, or so she thought in her prideful arrogance, no bumpkin from alabama knows anything expecially a white republican.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-21-2011, 03:34 PM
An educated Republican? And he admitted to it?

Seems he just cost himself the next election.
Boltfan's Avatar
For those in the DFW area, I would think that qualifies for the e-brake of the week.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I've got degrees in Political Science, Economics, and law. Do you therefore think more highly of my opinions, Marshall? Or do only Republicans with those degrees count?
I've got degrees in Political Science, Economics, and law. Do you therefore think more highly of my opinions, Marshall? Or do only Republicans with those degrees count? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
nah, i think he's already read too many of your posts, they override your sheepskins
drgris's Avatar
Liberal, commie media? Who the fuck do you think OWNS the media? Companies that are on the extreme other side of both liberalism and communism..they play this shit up to scare you or get some kind of emotional response to keep you watching for advertising dollars. And you, Marshall, bought into it.
Do yourself and the rest of us a favor..go bang a provider, have lots of fun and write us an awesome review.
I've got degrees in Political Science, Economics, and law. Do you therefore think more highly of my opinions, Marshall? Or do only Republicans with those degrees count? Originally Posted by TexHomoHog

I only respect the opinions of people who know how to think, can figure things out and have fidelity to the truth.....you are a liberal, you're opinions are formed by how you feel and what your masters tell you to believe.....liberals get most things wrong for numerous reasons........
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I only respect the opinions of people who know how to think, can figure things out and have fidelity to the truth.....you are a liberal, you're opinions are formed by how you feel and what your masters tell you to believe.....liberals get most things wrong for numerous reasons........ Originally Posted by Marshall
That reminds me of a prof I had getting my MBA, "Harvard, when you only accept the best, you only put out the best"

btw, aside from the business administration degree I have, I have minors in accounting and economics