Elite Providers w/ Social Networks? (Twitter,FB,etc)

LorynLove's Avatar
I have noticed that its a quite bit of upscale providers that have Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. I understand there's guidelines to follow as each site as their own set rules. So there may be some limitations as to what you can and cannot tweet or post on their sites. Which is understandable...

I am new to the site but not to the business; I have been mentored by another VIP companion not too long ago. So I have some experience and knowledge on being an elite provider. One very important thing though is privacy and discretion which should always be assured. So I'm careful to not post or tweet anything that would go against that.

Now that I am independent without any traveling companions, I am using what I have learned to the best of my ability. I have known other VIP companions that have/had a social network to connect with clients, other companions, or other business networks such as agencies, website builders, etc.

I have created a Twitter account yesterday to meet other fellow companions and and to expand myself more into the industry as an independent and to connect with other business encounters.

What I want to know is do you think it is a good or bad idea for a VIP companion to have these such accounts where all of the public can view? And what should she post and not post??
What I want to know is do you think it is a good or bad idea for a VIP companion to have these such accounts where all of the public can view? Originally Posted by LorynLove
Coming from a regular ole provider type, I value my privacy. No Twitter for me.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've found that someone that has to tell me over and over how elite and VIP she is and how much she values discretion is someone to watchout for particularly those with "mentors"
I had a real world account on FB for about a week. It was way toooooo much work to keep up with, and there was too much detritus on the site.

I closed the account after the week and never looked back.

IMHO, it invades privacy too much. And, as one who values his privacy to the extent that I have a screen name on this site (and others), I am not going to do something that might "out" me.
LorynLove's Avatar
I've found that someone that has to tell me over and over how elite and VIP she is and how much she values discretion is someone to watchout for particularly those with "mentors" Originally Posted by atlcomedy
That is not necessarily true. I have been taught by another elite when I was new and first introduced into the industry. Im not being "mentored" anymore.

I only expressed that VIP because I have noticed many other girls that are not elite tend to be more explicit and do not really value privacy at all for themselves or their clients.

It surprised me when I saw the "upscale" girls on these sites, not that they speak of anything conflicting. Just that some "upscale" girls use it to their advantage and I was wondering what the guys thought about it. That's all.
(And once again Im not judging, since I do have an active twitter I use to network w/ others.)

Thanks for your reply though. :-)
LorynLove's Avatar

IMHO, it invades privacy too much. And, as one who values his privacy to the extent that I have a screen name on this site (and others), I am not going to do something that might "out" me. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thanks for that Food for Thought!! I guess there's more cons than pros.

Kisses, Loryn
Loryn Love.... Nice topic. I have wondered this same thing a time or two myself. So, I just wanted to chime in on this subject and give my pov...

First let me say I am 100% in agreement with CharlesTudor2005 in that Facebook & Twitter require an incredible amount of time & dedication, and truly takes away from what we value so much *privacy & discretion*

Personally, I used Twitter for one day & I just never could get with it. Never used it. Eventually closed it down... Face book however I am considering just for a social thing - Nothing work/hobby related though.

Keep in mind with those networks everyone can see what you're doing & what your friends are doing, as well as what your friend's friends are doing, & so on. Plus regardless of how you set your settings, your privacy is most definitely not assured.

*Case in point* I have a friend who has been unemployed for the last 8 years. Makes a mind blowing amount of money in a field closely related to ours & is now being audited by the IRS... Why? He used twitter. (Apparently Big Brother pays attention to Twitter & will be increasing surveillance) Keep in mind the statements/posts/Twits are pretty much public record & if one is not careful you could easily incriminate yourself.

So my opinion is... In this biz, avoid FB & Twitter like the plague. Then again I've seen several elite companions using those same social networks so -- who knows? Regardless of what you decide...Approach with caution!
LorynLove's Avatar
Thanks Asia,
I will most def keep that in mind.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I must admit that I'm afraid of twitter, facebook, etc. even for my real world identity.

I've had my privacy compromised via facebook by friends of mine simply because they let facebook have their e-mail address book, and now my identity is publicly linked to theirs through no fault of my own.

I'm really afraid of them for my hobby life.
I have FB for my family and old school friends...I can just imagine them stumbling across my 'work' FB.. NO THANK YOU!

And as far as twitter is concerned...it would be too easy to let the wrong thing slip. I don't even use it for personal reasons bc of this.

What in the world would you post on these services anyways? What can you put out in these public arenas that will help your gentlemen more then hurt them?

I feel as though you earn your title of VIP by not how much you charge, or what services you use, but how you treat your gentlemen and the other ladies. JMHO but then again, I have never been 'mentored'.
LorynLove's Avatar
I understand totally where u all are coming from. Even though there are settings for where not even your friends can view your email or phone numbers. But at the same time I am not looking to conduct business via these sites. Its usually just to link with the other providers and keep in touch and update with whats new in other touring locations. I guess when you travel often you would want to know whats a good area and whats not. But I guess that's what boards like this here is for, huh?

Well, Im not knocking anybody who has one or not. But I can clearly see it does have more negative effects than good. While there are some of us that DO use these sites to build a network or clientele. Some even use it to post or update posts. I see plenty of agencies and advertising boards on Twitter with mini feeds for the women.

But while we are all here discussing how it can incriminate us (which I do agree with), there is someone who still believes its more helpful to the providers and others. Check it out: http://www.myhoneysuckle.com/top-ben...-as-an-escort/
Cpalmson's Avatar
The first rule about Fight Club is nobody talks about Fight Club.......

The same should hold true for all involved in the hobby industry. Unless on hobby related boards or web sites, nobody should use Facebook, Twitter or any other non-hobby related social network to conduct hobby related business. That is why providers and hobbyists should ALWAYS use separate and SECRET phones and e-mail accounts in order to communicate within the hobby. If someone wants to use public social networks to "score" or advertise, they are opening up a can of worms that will just be ugly for all involved. If I ever see a provider openly using a non-hobby related means of communication, I will not see her. Who knows what she has allowed to go public? There's a term for this. It is called going viral. The last thing anyone in this hobby wants to have happen to them if for ANYTHING to go viral. Want proof? Ask Eliot Spitzer.
Everyone has their different views on social sites, but the key to the hobby world is discretion. You need to keep in mind that potential clients aren't the only ones keeping tabs on the providers, I.E., LE.

In my opinion, a true "elite, VIP" companion/escort/whatever you wish to call yourself wouldn't risk the trust that her clients put in her by jumping on social sites and discussing/posting information that can be found on her website.

Discretion, trust and our word is all we have in this business.
Every companion needs to decide for herself how much exposure she wishes to have when it comes to things like reviews, advertisement and social networking sites.

After several months of following the Twitter craze myself, I soon came to realize that for me personally, the negatives outweighed the postives and deleted my Twitter account.

I'd much rather use the time to connect with my clients in other ways such as personal emails, newletters via my mailing list and keeping the calendar and blog on my custom website updated.

It's all just a personal preferance.

xoxo Sophie