Beware!!! will destroy hobby

I just did a google search of my name and found out that my is on an national escort "blacklist". Do NOT ever give out your personal infomation (not even your name) during screening! I've learned the hard way. If the escort is having a bad day or you don't give into their upsell, your name could possibly go on this list.

It's really sad because this hobby is based on discretion. This website ( will absolutely destroy the hobby. In my case, I had a last minute emergency that led me to cancel my appointment. And now my life could be destroyed if my employer or family does a google search on my name and city.

Incidentally, if you read the FAQ page on the site, you'll quickly pick up that the owner of the site has some serious emotional issues. It's clear to me how she rationalizes why she is doing what she is doing (exposing people's real names to google search) that she was an escort who was treated badly and is now out to exact her vengence on ALL hobbyists. If you want to protect escorts, you can achieve this by putting the information behind a login page. To expose hobbyist's names for everyone to see, you create a deterent for them to give out personal information during the screening process, which in turn puts escorts potentially at risk. The screening process is not meant to gather information to be displayed for all the world to see if an appt is canceled at the last minute -- it's used to verify a person's identity and to alert authorities in case something goes horribly wrong.

In summary, beware when giving out your personal information during screening. I just wanted to share the lesson I learned the hard way.
  • PullT
  • 05-09-2010, 11:31 PM
PM me your name and SSN and I can have your name removed from the national blacklist.

I will even call off the black CIA planes circling over you.
A very good reason to see providers who are well reviewed. There are no guarantees, but at least if they have been providing for a while and had several glowing reviews, you will be better off.

Also a great reason to join a well respected, verified site such as P411, and Datecheck. They take your personal info, but after they verify who you are, they promised to destroy the information.

Personally, if a Hobbiest contacts me without any references, I do take their personal info. I ask them to send me a photo copy of their drivers license, and their work info. As soon as I do a search on them and there are no red flags, I delete it and move on to making an appointment. Here's another problem, nothing ever really gets deleted from a hard drive, so how are we to gauratee that the information is no longer in our hands? It all boils down to mutual trust and respect.

Do your Homework, and only contact providers who have a good and solid reputation.
Hey Undergroundman,

I went to and there was only one on name on there from Austin so it must be you. I'll be by your house after midnight.
gimme_that's Avatar
The only way to combat your real name ever being used against you is to not use your name. This may limit who you can see, but if references and other info are not sufficient enough for her...there are always ladies availiable.

Dont be so niave to think just because she has a rep for good service and reviews it wont happen to you. It can and will happen and people are unpredictable.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Giving out your full real name for screening purposes is utterly stupid. I'm loathe to even give out my real first name. I'm perfectly fine sticking with my handle when I'm with a provider. As I've mentioned here before, I will not give out certain personal information to a provider. A provider who requires too much information during screening will probably lose a lot of potential clients. I'm 100% certain, she'll lose me.
Giving out your full real name for screening purposes is utterly stupid. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Honey, it is their choice...the ONLY time I ask, is when they have no references what-so-ever and I have no other way of knowing whether or not they are legit. We HAVE to have a way to help the newbies get started in this Hobby without putting ourselves at risk.

If you have any other way to insure that the screening process can be done on a new individual without having their personal information, I woud love to hear it.

IF they want a date with no references, that is what they have to provide. IF they are not comfortable with giving out their info, they can find another provider, perhaps who doesn't have a family to loose, and talk them into playing Russian Rolute.

IMHO Knowing the person you are provideing for is even MORE important then useing cover...because you can still raise your family with can not if you are busted and the authorities come in.
gimme_that's Avatar
Honey, it is their choice...
IMHO Knowing the person you are provideing for is even MORE important then useing cover...because you can still raise your family with can not if you are busted and the authorities come in. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Geez that has got to be the worst, messed up misuse of an analogy I have seen, no disrespect intended. How many guys sptinther contracted on that one. Wow.

I dont personally think that example is anywhere in the hemisphere of a discussion about using real names for newbies n such. But to each his or her own.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I used to be on the FRONT page.."...ratboy tries to get cheap.." (Which I NEVER have asked for a price reduction...just won't see ladies out of my range)..So here goes..
All you girls are crap...So now how's about some lady putting something on there about me so I can be back on the front page!!
Sorry that happened to you ,but I doubt any decent providers will see anyone without their real name unless they 1) have a p411 with many oks 2) have alot of reviews posted of known providers 3) have well known provider refs . I am sure if it ever came up with work /family you can say a friend or ex must have been messing with you .We need to be safe + need to know who we are seeing as you can be LE or a danger .
Geez that has got to be the worst, messed up misuse of an analogy I have seen, no disrespect intended. How many guys sptinther contracted on that one. Wow.

I dont personally think that example is anywhere in the hemisphere of a discussion about using real names for newbies n such. But to each his or her own. Originally Posted by gimme_that
lol I was only making a statment...
I dont know how many times I have seen on the boards 'never go bbfs''s referred to as being stupid, not useing your brain, having a death wish, playing russian roulette, ect.... Hobbiest do not wish to see providers that are known to shows she doesnt care about herself or her clients she is putting at risk.

Now I am seeing on the same board, "never give out your real info" WTF? It's ok to see a provider who doesn't check who she is fixing to make an illegal deal with, and bed with...doesn't that put her AND everyone she has seen at risk just as well? But with being busted, you also loose your family, kids, and even your own house if you are useing it for your incall....not to mention tons of money for legal fees.

It is totally messed up in my mind how a hobbiest can see the use for a cover, but not the use of the provider having knowledge of who she is going out alone to go and see. I think they are both very important.
Crash Davis's Avatar
Also a great reason to join a well respected, verified site such as P411, and Datecheck. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I agree with TC on this one, if the lady is upscale (not a SW) she wants to look out for her safety, just as the guys should be concerned about the BIG DUDE in the car who knocks on your hotel door and takes your money and watch from a non-reviewed girl from BP or CL. It works both ways. However, for the site of "blacklist", I must say that bothers me as people get pissed for different reasons, and could go off half cocked and ring a bell that can not be unrung!....However, will all that being said, I would never give a copy of my ID to anyone. I would let them take a look if needed. Still better yet, I would join a review site such as P411 if needed. We live in 2010, problem solved.
gimme_that's Avatar
I was referring to guys like me who have references via p411 and other avenues of screening. After I got one or 2 good refs ....who knew my name and would not divulge hopefully.......I try not to use my name anymore for newer ladies. Less risk. If the ladies need a full name and/or work info, its definitely a cause for concern.

On the flip side of the coin, when providers first start out they dont divulge their real name even though they are new with no rep or reviews.

So having many references and oks under a eccie handle or p411 (when screening) is less than a provider with multiple reviews and a name needed really in either of these situations still after that is provided and all the references check out? a name needed really in either of these situations still after that is provided and all the references check out? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Personally, no, I would not ask for a name or any personal info if the client is well established in the hobby. I do not see the need. I will even take a client when I only know of his user name on here, as long as he has submitted reviews on a few girls that I can contact and can get a reference from.

Each girl takes care of their business in their own way. There are girls who do want your personal info reguardless of your rep and references. If that is how they choose to do their business, then all the power to them. If you, as the client, do not want to release that info...then it's your right to move on to the next girl.

Only newbies, who has no valid references would I ever ask for the personal info...and in that situation, their personal information is a must.
NBL is there for a reason.

Now, how many times have I seen guys post "You girls don't argue about a bad review.It just makes you look bad." Does that sound familiar?

Ok, right back at ya - Don't argue if you're on a blacklist.

Just as reviews of us are good for you guys, the lists are good for us. Both are highly subjective and neither is 100% foolproof and yes both have, are and will be used incorrectly.

Now why would a site allow real names etc to be posted? Because serial idiots (and every town has one or more) are often not stupid. Once they realize word is out, they will change their "hobby handle" email, phone etc...but they cannot change their name.

If you don't do bad things; your info will never be on a blacklist. If you do bad things you earned your spot.

Now, is it abused? No more and no less than the provider review system is.

NBL will ruin THE hobby? Not hardly.
NBL will ruin YOUR hobby? No, sir. You did.